Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

When did I joke?

Here’s a book that is NOT heating up. Skull and Bones 1. However, this week I’ve started seeing a ton of advertising for the game, as it’s apparently releasing in Feb 2024. More of a heads up as we roll into 2024 that it may warm up a little. Maybe not. Again. Just a heads up.


The beta for the game occurs this weekend. I’m gonna try it, I think.

Fun fact, this game probably wouldve been cancelled had the Signapore government not invested money. Because of that the game has to be finished but theres so many lacking features and been announced forever ago

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I tried the free beta. You are allowed to play for up to six hours and I only needed one hour to know I was done.

I wonder if Justice League 1 (1987) will have some legs like Cover Price is pumping. I usually eye roll at 95% of their stuff, but they do have a point that Maxwell Lord will be in multiple movies and will be played by James Gunn’s brother. Any thoughts?

Not a character I’ll ever care about or have much interest in. If I happen to find the comic in a dollar bin I’ll buy it, but that’s it.
I just can’t ever see the “it” factor with him.
So many other cool, interesting characters out there…Lord is “meh” imo


I think the casting makes sense if theyre going for the pre crisis JLI version who was more of a sleazy but well meaning guy. Booster gold and blue beetle also being used probably sets that up

This is an over-simplistic approach, but my thought is that if no one will want to cosplay as this character, it’s not really worth my time.

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This isn’t really a book that’s heating up, but I noticed it sells for more than I realized when I looked it up ( so I guess it meets the “potential” criteria of the thread.) Pretty fun read, comic I had just filed away.
I like pleasant surprises like that.


It has been up in price for a few years, Adam Hughes cover. I believe there is also a Black and White Hughes cover… I think I have both.


One of you probably recommended it back then :joy:
Typically not a book I would have bought.

Thanks for posting. I like posts like this, things we didn’t know that go for a premium and hasn’t been a subject of hype. Gives me things to look out for when I go hunting to find things for cheap.


Huh. Had no idea. Got a copy from a dollar bin, just because I like Hellboy.

Several times at that:

And was the pick of the week 6 years ago:


Looks like it’s starting to edge upward a little again. Issue 2 came out, so I’m assuming a buzz has started?

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It’s the combination of issue 1 2nd print coming out and into readers hands and the 2nd issue hitting. Real fun issue making collectors scrambling to get the first print of issue 1.

I’ve got a small stack of #1 cover A, need to start listing them.