Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Great flip! This book has had a strange journey from hot, back to mild, and now (potentially) nuclear. It’s funny because about a month ago we were trying to determine what this year’s “next Miles” book was and we’d pretty much settled on Spider-boy’s Ramos cover. It’s nice to see something generating some heat going into the new year because 2023 has been pretty tepid.


Yup, series sort of reminds me of Canto almost. Most IDW books that heat up lose steam real fast after the series ends.

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I did read the first issue and liked it. I’m going to keep a cover A for the pc. Still have to read #2. It would be nice if it keeps going and doesn’t just get an option down the road that goes nowhere but something more concrete. If this ever made it to the big or small screen the value would probably hold better but that is probably a long shot. Who knows, it could retain popularity and value as a future cult classic.

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Definitely good to see a book heat up like this from the jump

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Reminds me a stray dogs and canto.

Early buzz…then pop…then eventually fizzling for a while.

Canto keeps going though. I think I’d rather own that first book than any of the others.

It’s a mini too. That’s why I skipped it

Bound to happen with how late issue 1 spiked. Expect a 3rd print.

Haven’t seen much of issue #2 listed/sold. I expect it’ll get a spike soon.

There’s a listing of issue 2 first print that sold for $30. This is the new 8 Billion Genies but without the option news.

Well may have to list my 2nd print #1 and first print #2. Read them. It wasn’t bad. But not really my thing.

Bah…I was at my shop and grabbed a copy of #2. They had a fair amount of the #1 2nd print and I thought to myself…“You said you would be better about buying books you really don’t need, cut back, etc”. As I have multiple of 1st print #1 I put it back on the shelf. Bad call on my part.

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Oh, just you wait. I bet we hear something in a week or two.


Only person selling at the moment, and maybe a FOMO buyer. So don’t get too excited….


Thanks for the info! Cover B is tough to find at or around cover. 3 left.

Not anymore!


At least x5 sales this high

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So when do we start talking about Ultimate Spider-Man?

Cover A appears to be sold out just about everywhere.

Collector Cave
Impulse Creations
Sanctum Sanctorium
Golden Apple
Third Eye Comics
Westfield Comics
Graham Cracker Comics
Unknown Comic Books
South Side Comics
State of Comics
My comic shop

MCS had cover A listed at $7.99 a few moments ago, now sold out.


I picked up the JSC cover and now regret not getting a cover A. May have to go back.