Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

All my local shops are sold out. This is getting some heat.

Guys I’m not kidding, I just listed some copies of cover A , wasn’t sure what to price it for yet as I’m not sure about the heat. So tested it out for $25 +$7 ship. Already got 9 views in seconds and have sold 2. Something’s up with this


None of my shops had them today & that’s with pretty reduced foot traffic since Wednesday due to severe weather/blizzard warnings, etc.
I know the one store only ordered the Campbell cover…he just figured that was the one to bring in.

Prices & sales are odd on this though. While I see those higher sales & certainly can’t argue that, there are available copies at much lower prices too.

It’s kind of a pain in the $#& book to search for because of so many results/covers. There is still a cover A listing from Mycomicshop for $6.18 a copy that I’m seeing??

I ordered the Stegman via TFAW and they processed so I’ll be set there.

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Here are my thoughts on what’s happening. I don’t think people are buying this for spec, unless they’re excited about a brand new Ultimate universe. I have read it and it’s quite good and I also think Checchetto is an underrated superstar artist. So the whole package looks quite nice with a superstar creative team in Hickman and Checchetto. The cover looks like the original Ultimate Spider-man series which was a huge hit. So it’s nostalgia that’s bringing people back.

There’s been lots of positive reviews on the first issue everywhere. People are going back to their stores to get a copy and they’re finding out that it’s sold out everywhere. FOMO is kicking in and they’re scrambling to get a copy before all the first prints are all gone.

I think this is great thing for the hobby. A good title that isn’t being pumped or hyped, just caught people off guard thinking they’ll be lots of copies ordered but shops either under ordered or underestimated the demand. Also Marvel isn’t overprinting books like they used to and it’s a perfect storm of all things hitting together at once.


I don’t think this is/was being bought for spec, either. At least, not at first. It’s underordered vs the number of people that want to read it. The spec is gonna start now as the FOMO pile-in starts.

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I don’t think any of this is being driven by the first appearance of a Peter Parker.


agreed :joy:

Ultimate Spider-Man was amazing and its what spider-man fans have been wanting forever, a more mature Peter who has a family and a healthy relationship with MJ. I also think the dynamics are fresh with Uncle Ben been a supporting character and having a relationship with Peter and J Jonah, its just a fresh and much needed take for a popular character especially when he’s been done a massive disservice in his own run and for so long.


No but don’t you think that the popularity of the series already will lead to interest in his 1st app?

Possibly. I could be wrong. But at the end of the day, this is Peter Parker, Spider-Man, first app Amazing Fantasy 1962. And USM 1 gives readers all the background they need. There’s not much to drive them to seek out UU1, IMO.


This one didn’t get his powers till adulthood and has a family. Quite different than his 616 counterpart


There were six sales of Ultimate Invasion #1 second print on Ebay today, so it appears people are grabbing copies just in case.

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Well, there are PLENTY of copies of all the other covers on eBay that are not seeing any heat. So we’ll see where this goes. People will be receiving online orders over the next few days and the potential for a correction will begin.


Do you mean the 1st prints of ultimate invasion #1?

Cvr a and the black costume cvr are going crazy

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If those prices keep spiking the 1:100 might seem on the cheap side.


Yeah, I’m getting crazy views of my cover A listing. Already sold 4 for $31 shipped.

Another interesting thing I’m noticing is that 2 of the buyers had a zero feedback rating, they just registered for eBay last night. The other 2 have very few feedback as well. These aren’t regular ebay users. Looks like this title is bringing some people back into the hobby, or they’re reading it online and want a copy.


Card collectors coming back…lol


Hopefully it’s bringing some people back and hopefully stupid Marvel doesn’t screw this up like they always do.

I wouldn’t be surprised if people who quit Spidey years ago when the marriage was undone by Mephisto (it still looks stupid to this day when typed-out) are cautiously dipping their toes into a new series that lets him be older and married with kids. It could draw some older fans back, basically.