Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

This is not “heating up” but I I didn’t know this facsimile sold so well on the after market. I wonder if I have an extra copy…

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Yeah, I sold a couple a few years ago for $45 each I think, so it’s holding steady. Another one to look for is the AF 15 facsimile. I sold 2 or 3 of them for $50 each.

No, these are fake comics. You can see the 12 cents on the cover, Marvel doesn’t do this. They’ve only done it once, I think it was the Avengers with the Vision appearance. There are people selling these fake reprints on ebay and people are buying them. They are using true believers reprints as the guts and printing the cover with the original 12 cent price. Sometimes they print it on newsprint.

Sorry, I deleted the post to avoid any confusion. Yes, the JIM 83s are unauthorized fax copies.

You’d think the lovey dovey cover would be more popular than… :grin:

At my shops today they had a ton of the other variant covers. If I wanted to I probably could’ve picked up 100+ copies of the other covers if I wanted. Probably going to regret it a few days or weeks from now when those heat up too lol.


If you’re selling like gangbusters, why not pick up more and keep flipping until that strange invisible wall comes down and sales suddenly taper off? My LCS had 0 copies and they even asked me as soon as I walked in if I was looking for a copy. Book is nuts!

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Ultimate Spidey 1a limited to one copy

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They got so tired of people asking, they just say it right away. Heard this from many stores


all covers OOS

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That’ll help push FOMO a little bit…

Hopefully this wil stay above the $25 range until I get my copies…assuming I get my copies. I ordered most off stores through comic hub…it’s a 50-50 probability they’re in stock.

Also, not sure if others use the site but recently they changed the set-up and now every time I order they charge my card twice and I have to email the store to let them know “Comic Hub F’d up again, guys!”

I only order through stores that I’ve had the most success with in the past on that site…so it gets resolved but I’m sure they are as annoyed as I am.


Yea, more copies will get listed. Hey, lets flood Ebay !!

You know what happens next…


I wish I could just keep buying and flipping but I only have so much time in a day. :joy:

Put out a small batch yesterday and those sold out faster than a kid at recess. Put out another batch at a higher price after it got a little bump and those didn’t even last a half hour. I got a comic con to go to today and it’s going to be madness.

Going to be spending the rest of the night packing orders to drop off at the post office tomorrow while watching comic youtube shows on my tv tonight.

I don’t think I’m being native here but I don’t think copies flooding ebay will do anything to curb demand, just a hunch from my observations. Let’s say marvel printed out 300k copies of ultimate spiderman 1, the demand for this title far away exceeds that total.

I listed some copies yesterday and it got over 200 views in record time. Every time I check my app there was another 50 views, I’ve never seen anything like it. Would’ve gotten way more views had it didn’t sold out right away. There were hundreds ( maybe thousands?) of people listing at the same time so this was just nuts to me.

Some people think Ebay is only only place to buy comics… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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All copies are sold out at PRH except Nic Klein variant. I just submitted an order, we’ll see.

I think it’s also from people who don’t have an LCS in their vicinity also. I’m always happy that I have 6 or 7 shops I can visit in a relatively short distance. Not everyone has that luxury.

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I guess the weird thing to me though is how readily available and inexpensive many of the other covers are?
That’s what’s so strange. I realize it isn’t new to have 1 or 2 covers take off (always bet on A right?), but if this is new readers, fans just dying to get the book it wouldn’t matter what cover. The cover A is nothing special either.
Take the money & run, smoke em if you got em, but it feels “off” to me.

I thought initially it was because places didn’t order the a cover (like my shop) but I’ve seen evidence that plenty of places did.

I mean, I still could get Cover A yesterday from Mycomicshop yesterday for $6.18.

Time will tell. Happy for the success/flips and just having a good new book.

While we typically are aware of this stuff…I think getting a fair amount of #2 will be smart. I’m always shocked by the stores/people who pay zero attention and still won’t up orders of that issue.

I also found a couple copies from a buy it now search on Whatnot. They already shipped so I’m good there.


That button was blue this morning