Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

Sorry, misread the date precoffee, that’s a 2 and not a 3 for March. So apparently they haven’t learned anything and may be making it even worse this time. I’m not FOCing a 2nd print on 2-19 when the 1st print doesn’t even arrive until 3-06. I have what I expect is plenty of 1sts ordered anyway.

Thats a bad decision. You should order it :wink:

Anytime a 2nd print is on FOC before the 1st print comes out, you should order it.


There’s always a chance I could be making a financial mistake but I have at least a dozen copies of A cover not spoken for from the 1st print and I don’t expect any foot traffic for the book. With the FOC this far in front of the first print it’s likely to be underordered so it may jump some just on limited qty. It also almost guarantee’s a 3rd print.

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According to Bleeding Cool, Ultimate X-Men #1 2nd print is a connecting cover.

All three of Silva’s second printing covers for Ultimate Spider-Man #1 and Ultimate Black Panther #1 connect to form an overview of the new Ultimate Universe.

That says to me the 2nd’s were preplanned and coming out whether anyone needed them or not. It seems like it would have made more sense to just have them be open order 1st prints since they knew all along they were wanting to put them out. 3rd print should be reflective of actual demand unless they apply another ratio to that to jump the print run chasing it. I just don’t see stores under ordering UX1.


Of course they were preplanned.

I had a feeling something was going on with those Ultimate 2nd prints since they were drawn by the same person.

Sheesh… doesn’t impact me (ordered on FOC) but places by me have that 2nd print on wall at $19.99.

Of course they do. That’s why they announce 2nd prints with final cover art before the 1st print even hits the shelves.

Sometimes they cancel the 2nd print after FOC…I’m assuming that occurs when they don’t meet some pre-order minimum threshold and it becomes unprofitable to them.

So they have their cake and can eat it too. Screw all the shops that took pre-orders and now have to refund customers.

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So basically the only people that will be in need of the comic will be those that want to complete their connecting cover set or those hoping it jumps in price and then sells due to low print runs. If it gets canceled, then the people who bought the other two are left hanging. It feels like this could have been handled as an open order offering as a 1st print. On some of these titles that get a ton of variants open order, I suspect some of the less in demand covers end up with print runs comparable to whatever they hope to get as a 2nd and the lower qty should be just as much incentive to jack up the price over cover as the 2nd’s would have been. I really expect the supply of 1st prints not to get exhausted enough to cause these 2nds to command higher than cover prices from those who just want to read the book. If this was a normal release I may have only ordered 4 copies but due to the craziness of the first 2 titles #1’s I ended up ordering 12 extras or 3 times what I would normally expect to need. The ordering’s done now so it’s wait and see if the market can horde enough copies to drive the 1sts up above cover. It doesn’t really scream gamble on some 2nds to me.

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Slowly climbing…starting to get the itch to list….!

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Oh yeah baby. Told you it’s going to keep heating up as the new Ultimate Xmen series is upon us.

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What a time to be alive.

told you guys, buy 1k copies :smiley: :grin:


Also, buying copies before the release date at inflated prices is only benefiting the retailer…in more ways than one

I’m pretty certain that in my area it’s going to be the same song and dance again come release day with “no shelf copies” for Ultimate X-men 1. Happened with Black Panther. Luckily we caught the Ultimate Spiderman hype a little early so I was able to grab a few copies.

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The book doesnt come out for 2 WEEKS. Many online stores will have it for cover price.
Retailers can still reorder it…

Isn’t FOC passed? these retailers just going to empty out Diamond and PRH of their remaining copies

Yes & yes

Im sure @BJ can give more in stock info

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That would be a no to reordering from Diamond. It’ll be another 20 minutes or so before I get the 2nd confirmation e-mail from PRH as to what to expect.



While we’re waiting I figured I’d address the next question which would be how are the open order variants doing for stock.

As you can see the immediate I placed an order confirmation e-mail arrived which lists all the items ordered as “NYP” which I assume means “Not Yet Processed”. I’ll have to wait usually 20 to 30 minutes or more for the 2nd e-mail on this order as well to know if I should expect anything.

This is how stores can get confused if they don’t double check the 2nd e-mail after the order processes to know if they should expect anything. Compared to Diamond and Lunar it’s a rather long delay to find out.