Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

Only the hardcore Spawn fans will be seeking this one out. Todd super proud still and has to gloat on every single issue that comes out as a new record breaking issue… :man_facepalming:

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I’m fine with Todd. My contempt is reserved for titles that are rebooted every 6-18 issues.


Yep. I haven’t read Spawn or Savage Dragon in decades, but I give all the credit in the world to McFarlane and Larsen for keeping their books on Volume 1.

I was surprised how few shelf copies my LCS had for USM 2. I wonder if many shops likewise didn’t top up orders or will have many more copies of #3 on hand.


Spawn 350 was a dud

My shops were completely out of USM2. I got one copy from my pulls, but there wasn’t even a spot on the shelf for them, as I think all were spoken for. But, I don’t know if there’s much heat on eBay yet.

I grabbed one copy of EOSV1A, but it was readily available on shelves. I’m wondering if our early 2024 spec-o-rama is winding down.

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Imagine being shamed for being proud of your accomplishments.


Maybe for that one store

I’ll say this for Spawn #350. There will very likely be a 2nd printing. Todd loves to do homages to his own stuff. While we are all tired of them, they are still worth watching and (not all) buying.

Look at the ASM 300 homage for Spawn #300 homage he did (2nd print).
Would have never though it would do ok and it sells for a very decent amount and also attracts great interest on a wall for buyers.

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I was under the impression it would be ordered heavily based on the reaction to number 1 so initially I was going to only order 3 or 4 copies since I only have 1 subscriber and generally only get 2 to 3 copies extra. I made so much on #1 in online sales running thru all 30 Kleins and that other cover I had 2 arrive after street date that I figured lets toss some extra back into #2 anyway just in case any of the online #1’s decided they want to grab a #2.

With the comic running double to triple cover pre release, I suspect most of the people that wanted to read already had taken the time to set up subscriptions or preorders so they wouldn’t get caught short again so most of the store raids are from people hoping to flip them at some point. If they get caught this time they really have no excuse not to have #3 subscribed or preordered or they’re in the other extreme deciding to wait for the trade over paying high prices or settling for later printings.

They haven’t made the big announcement yet that Lunar has sold out which they normally like to let everyone know about. I just ordered more Tuesday from Lunar myself, not that it appears I’ll actually need them. It seems like everything Image this week is selling online for me except Spawn 350. Just mailed another Image comic a few minutes ago from this week.

Well, it’s one thing when he broke the record what 50 something issues ago but every single issue after that with the banner above is just him patting himself on the back at this point.

It’s not like he’s struggling to create more issues unlike maybe say an athlete that breaks their own record by running faster, or swimming faster than the previous time.

I don’t know about you but him reminding us every chance he gets just tells me he’s either pretty insecure and needs more validation from his fans who buy his books or something else is going on, ego perhaps? I don’t know, until someone else comes along and beats the record (that quite frankly, I don’t think anyone cares about except Todd), we all know by now each issue is just another record, no reason to piss on the cover with these details anymore…

I keep checking Lunar’s site for a 2nd print, nothing yet

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Foreigners are dumb…is inflation stupid high in the UK ?

But this guy…he takes the cake. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The UK and Japan are currently in considered to be in recessions from what I’ve seen in the news.

Cover F made it to back order status finally so the other 5 should be running out soon.

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We are indeed in a recession here in the UK - not sure why the Nakayama variant has blown up, must be scarce this side of the pond. Haven’t seen a single on shelves in the past couple of days. Currently selling at 10x cover - glad I have two on the way!

From our point of view, the foreigners are equally dumb!

But yeah - MJ and homage on top of the 1st appearance has driven this cover to near extinction. Only 2 copies on eBay, both £40.


I need to start selling unrealistic priced comics to you guys !!


We (United States) are easily the dumbest. I can only assume that just about everyone else on this planet looks at our country and shakes their heads.


I agree 100% that the Nakayama MJ cover is the best.