Moon Knight Spoilers and Spec

Wowee, what a finale! Was awesome loved every bit of it. Loved the Kaiju fight, loved the end credits scene, it was all great.

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I am under the impression that there is no season 2. Unless you have heard differently Alana?

So, is Layla now Scarlet Scarab? Someone smarter than me tie this together. Scarlet Scarab (first app Invaders 23) did seem to share the last name as Layla. Was her father maybe the original from Invaders? :man_shrugging:t2:

Either way, awesome character design. My daughter immediately said after the episode, “OK, Layla is my new favorite.”


She is a new character who took on Scarlet Scarab.

“The original Scarlet Scarab hit the pages of Marvel Comics with the name Abdul Faoul — and the name of Layla’s late father in Moon Knight was Abdallah El-Faouly. Nobody actually calls her the Scarlet Scarab in the show, but the folks behind Moon Knight have confirmed that the connection is deliberate.”

All of the cheap Invaders 23 sold today. And several not cheap ones. Might be a good time to sell if you have it. I have a stack of Invaders, but no copies of 23 sadly.

Yeah. This is nowhere spec. What are people thinking?


I just would find it weird to introduce a third personality in the credits scene and not follow up on it.


They will for sure do a season 2 or something else. That’s not the end of the story.

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The Scarlet Scarab


I thought Disney said no MK or Hawkeye season 2’s. Shame since they left us hanging with the Jake Lockley reveal.

There’s always a plan. We just dont know it.

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I just watched the last episode of moon knight. I liked it enough at first, then was annoyed by a seemingly tidy ending before a credit scene put a big smile on my face. The way it weirdly became a Kaiju fight was a slightly off-putting but overall I had fun.

There will be a season 2 or a movie, mark my words.

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Always leave them wanting more. Showmanship.

I enjoyed it enough overall. The final episode was a bit out there. A little too supernatural for my liking.

Agree end was a bit cheesy and “kumbaya”…mid credits scene was a nice reset.


I’d love to see “Jake Lockley” Moon knight. Wonder what his costume is? When “Marc” returned and Harrow was laid out with all his men dead, Layla was even like “what the hell was that?” Bone armor maybe?

Anyways, made me think back to Episode 1 when the mob is trying to get the scarab and Steven comes to and the mob is all dead around him. Bet that was Jake Lockley, and not Marc that took them out. Didn’t know it at the time.

Plus in the third episode, all those guys at the campsite end up dead beside the one who falls to his doom and neither Marc or Steven are sure how it happened.

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So I just noticed this after seeing igns post. Even though they did not include a reference to the new Thor movie, does this scene not still look kinda deliberate? I know the scene in Thor:got is more about knulls origin, but could this be a hint we will see the necrosword and maybe a tease of knull to come in the movie? It’s interesting as we know marvel is recreating scenes from the comics for the newer movies (like the death of the giant god in the Thor:LaT trailer).

The reference that was cut in the script was about Gorr killing gods. NOTHING about Knull…smh

And that picture you posted has NOTHING to do with that comic book scene.

Looks like I ruffled some feathers there for ya. Jeez, didn’t know speculation isn’t allowed on a speculation forum…

No need to argue. One person had an opinion and the other disagrees. Nobody is being intentionally misleading.