More Eternals news

I guess none you heard that MCU is canon. Just because it was in a comic book doesn’t mean it’s the same on the screen. This message will break through to some of you eventually.


The comic accuracy thing I’ve never seen as a legit criticism. Everyone loves Guardians 1 and that movie is wildly different from the comics


i dont mind the movies being different from the comics. im just happy i get to see these characters i loved as a kid brought to life on screen while im still alive. it’s amazing what they can do now, it’s limitless.


When you start taking everything a company with stories puts out as literal ‘set in stone’ and can’t change it ever, then you’ll only drive yourself mad with self punishment when they change it around for the movie or show.

It’s all make believe and it’s their property, they can change it how they see fit at any moments notice and you will LOVE IT! :wink:


… and the trailer looked good, the celestials look epic

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I’m excited for it. I know next to nothing about Eternals so I’m ready to see what the MCU does in explaining them.


Someone commented they are getting DC vibes with the trailer. Like uhmmm… yea… there are serious tones and dark stuff from DC, and also fun and lighter ones. Also, filmmaking. Lol.

It’s not just in a comic book it’s in hundreds of comic books the whole Thanos being a Deviant and being a direct villain of the Eternals. There’s even a new Eternals Thanos mini series coming out in a couple months. For someone who doesn’t read comics it’s easy to like whatever garbage they tell you to like, since obviously the script writers didn’t read many comics either. Youre here on a comic forum what do you collect comics or movies?


mcu thanos is a variant of the comic thanos

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And this is why @Alana cannot get hired by Disney or Fox.

Can you all see Alana screaming “Didn’t you read a single f’n comic??!!!” At the producer?



It’s all make believe… taking it a bit too seriously… all these books and movies are for entertainment purposes… it’s not real… time to chill! :wink:


As a huge Thanos fan, it doesnt bother me. It doesn’t mean they can’t change things either. I wouldn’t doubt it’s a “Thanos is an Deviant/Eternal??? GASP!” revelation moment on screen, who knows…

Eternals (1977) were published after his 1st appearance (1973), so things always change to line up a good narrative.


I guess Chewbacca can be a night sister in the next Star Wars film and not a wookie and then @drunkwooky would really have to change his daily costume.

Now you’re just talking nonsense…

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What if MCU Thanos is also an eternal

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He’s their cousin he technically is one both his parents are Eternals but he has the deviant gene. Maybe it was robot Thanos sent to kill the humans by the Celestials that could work.:grin:


I don’t get the reference, but I like the visual.

She’s trying to be a smartass in saying Disney can just “change” characters as they see fit… :wink:


There are however, certain instances I would eventually like to see stuff from the comics happen. Like Wolverine’s suit.

Crazy amount of all eternals issues have been sold today on eBay. Wondering when would be the optimal time to post one of my issues (8.5 cgc #1, 9.0 cbcs #1, 9.0 cgc #2)