Naomi spec is dead, long live Naomi!

Just takes clicking on one link to remind me why I can’t read BC anymore.

The atrocious number of ads?

That’s what I find annoying. I understand the reason behind ads but if they take away from the content, then it’s not worth the time or effort trying to use the site.

Please do let us know if the ads on CHU ever get overbearing.

The ads … and the writing

I agree…I cant load it on my phone because of the adds…unnavigable.

Oh yeah, I don’t dare load on my phone. The last time I got linked to something there it was so overwhelming on my phone.

It runs well on my iPad and iPhone XR. My complaint is we need bigger upload capabilities have to resize most pictures to post on here and haven’t found a gif. it would let me post yet because of the size requirement. Anyway to upgrade the amount of kb’s allowed?

I can but wanna stay conservative cause we pay for storage. Over time its only going to keep growing as more and more start to upload. Its a 1MB limit now which should suffice for most pics without losing quality.

We are now almost on average seeing 60% of our visitors on mobile phones so bigger pictures are of no use anyways.

If you link to a image, the forums will pull down, import and resize to the best ideal suze as well.

I have never found the ads on CHU to be bad. I also want to support you guys so know that my ad-blocker is off for all of CHU. I’ll just say it works overtime for Bleeding Cool…

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I find that I have to take a screenshot of any ‘photo’ that I need to post. The screenshot is not as big of a file as the high res photos.

Yeah, most images are way bigger than they should be.

I can resize or change the quality of 1MB or bigger images, get them down to under 100k and our human eye can’t really see the difference in quality for the most part.

Use Photobucket, AWS, Dropbox or any other numerous storage/cloud platforms to link images from. Save CHU from having to draw ad revenue in order to host and store images with short life-spans.


I can’t speak for anything but Photobucket, however, I avoid that site like the plague … I still think they are holding what photos I uploaded in the past for ransom …

You can resize it, rotate it, change the quality (this is what I do locally, I can turn 1MB images into 50k images without changing it’s actual pixel size), etc.

CHU will only hold your images ransom for key comic books… :stuck_out_tongue:

If the images are under 1MB, the forum will actually import the image so it a) loads faster and b) will always be available if the source image is deleted, moved, etc.

But another place one can upload images is You can sign up with a free account and get first 10GB free. You then can make your bucket public and it provides a direct URL to the image or files.

And if you do decide to pay for more storage, it’s dirt cheap. I have a client that has I think 16TB of video files that is growing and they only pay like $150 a month.

If you upload 1GB in the first month with Backblaze, delete nothing and then download a max of 1GB a month while adding 1GB per month for 12 months, their calculator claims your total cost would be $0.57 for the year. :slight_smile:

If you have a website domain, you can get around download costs by creating a free cloudflare account that caches the images, acts like a proxy server.

Basically Backblaze can be used as your CDN for images…

I think time is running out on getting the book cheap. Bendis revealed that she will join the Young Justice.

I’m not too sure, it depends on if she has any staying power beyond Bendis forcing her on us (for example, Riri’s first appearance is never gonna be NYX 3 exactly). I finally picked up the #1 variant for $20 including shipping a few days ago, so I think almost no interest left.

At least I finally have an invoice in hand for #6 getting delivered next week. Since she doesn’t have any powers yet maybe he can salvage her with the last issue.

Please don’t let it be another straight knock off of Hope from the X-Men with some kind of channel others power juice thing.

As for the Young Justice thing, Young Justice isn’t really burning up the sales racks here.
29,821 of #5 placing it 65th on the list at Comichron for the month.

I’ve still only sold one copy of #5 off the shelf to walk ins so far even with the stack displayed right beside DCeased which is the heaviest mover in DC right now.

LMAO !!!

Deader than dead now

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