New Comic Book Day

Sold the Ultimate Invasion #2 and UBP #1 Darboe already.

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Went to another shop and found more. Like I said before they keep selling so I keep replenishing. @Gbess no UBP unfortunately

What are these mystical/mythical shops loaded with sought-after issues? How do you find them?

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No worries. Just wanted to read the story. I’ll wait for 2nd print. Thank you though

I move around a lot. One is by my job. One is by my house. The other one is by where Joe works out for baseball. I do a circuit and bleed them out slowly.

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Sold the two Acura’s tonight


Unbelievable…given there are multiple NM copies sitting for substantially less…

Edit: Ah, it was a two copy lot. Wondered where the second sale went!

Who’s this guy offering $4.99 flat rate shipping?? That’s MY move! He’s stealing my move!

Cost of the label + shipping material, tape, paper, ink for the printer, board and bag, mailer/Gemeni, etc + base transaction fee for the 1st item purchased = X
To get X left over after E-Bay takes out the fee’s on the shipping charge and their version of PayPal fee’s if you’re on Managed Payments or the actual PayPal Fee’s and PayPal base transaction fee, you have to charge more than X. The people in the $7’s are probably closer to the actual cost for most orders and zone 8 distances may not be enough.

Here’s an example.

If the comic had sold in store the sale would have been $50.20 so after all the E-bay fee’s and shipping label costs, I cleared 17 cent to pay for the mailers, tape, packing material etc…

There’s a little area on the right side of your order details that helps you see what you’re actually making and how much of the freight you’re paying for the customer.

Did any of you guys get Ultimate spider-man 1 2nd print “allocated” this week? Been hearing on shows that a lot of shops did get allocated and it looks like it’s legit.

I placed two orders after FOC on Jan 15. None arrived.

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They probably added orders after foc

So there’s no chance that if you order pre FOC that you should get books allocated except under special circumstances, correct?

The only special circumstances is if they are all damaged, and never replaced because the overprint is gone. Marvel doesn’t allocate

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Yes, that sounds correct unless the item was labelled as a limited print qty or such. Regular comics they can just keep the presses rolling to fill any number preFOC. I even had the 4 copies of US2 I ordered a week after FOC delivered Friday along with my preFOC order amount.

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Thank you

Yeah. Since I can still get them and have other orders going out Tuesday that I have to package up, I went with it. I charged $6.99 shipping and made about $2.75 on shipping which covers bag and board label fee on shipping and mailer. Books cost me about $8 after discount so still making a profit.

Not sure I’m following all this…but I just offer $4.99 as a “gimmick” to make it appear the cost is lower. That and the whole $X.95 to make the first number in the price lower. Another reason I loathe Mercari as they only deal in whole numbers. Don’t underestimate the power of gimmicks! There’s a whole psychology to it.

I’m willing to take the hit of $1 or so to reach a larger audience and quicker sale. It usually puts me #1 (top of the search list)…on occasion I’ll price it slightly higher if I feel the condition of the lowest priced books will factor in…or if I feel the demand will eventually reach my asking price.

Yeah, I leave a few $$ off the table…but I don’t sell enough quantity for that to really matter in the big picture and the risk of getting “stuck” with a flash in the pan FOMO book. I believe on average I come out on top in the end.

Mercari allows for fractional pricing now.

Just wanted you to know and any others reading that what you get once fee’s and other costs are taken out, you might find you’re paying for part of the shipping costs yourself. I don’t try to profit on shipping but I do like to end up with the same amount deposited no matter which place it sells.

The box I posted a picture of is on the right side of the page for E-bay orders. It allows you to tweek your costs and markups up or down as needed to get in the spot where you’re actually putting in your pocket, what you wanted to be. Every time they change the USPS rates I spend like a week or more writing down every orders numbers to see if there’s any adjusting needed to compensate. In a perfect world I target having about $1 leftover difference between the store price and the e-Bay’s earnings number to cover the costs of actually shipping it. I’m always adjusting things to try and get it just right. I shortened my outer shipping cardboard recently and that one adjustment saves about 12 inches of packing tape on 1 book orders now which translates into maybe 1 less roll a month used.

Absolutely. It’s intentional. I know I eat a little bit of shipping to keep my prices lower than the competition. I’m ok given it’s such a small fraction. Price of one bird in the hand vs being stuck with 2 in the bush.

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