New female turtle

Diamond doesn’t show either the B or the 10 QTY yet so it’ll probably be next week before we know.

Next week will be a mad dash for TMNT 96… not sure it’s warranted.

1:10 cover already selling for $50. A&B sets going for $20.

I’m actually excited to get my 2nd print of 95. The covers of 96 are not inspiring…the 1:10 is sort of cool, but not really related to the story.

Im not sure #96 will be anything significant, long term. #51 1:10 and #95 SDCC, 1:10, will be the books to own for this character. Perhaps #97 too when Jennika gets her yellow bandanna.

96 is built on hype from last issue. People will read this and not be inspired. Definitely a flip while u can book. I think 97 is going to be ordered heavily by retailers. I exp3ct to see heat on this as retailers up thier price for the demand.

As always, that’s just my opinion. Collect and flip how you want :slightly_smiling_face: