New Gay Captain America in United States of Captain America #1

Ice Man sucks… he’s like Aquaman… :wink:

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Booooooooooo. Booooooo hissssssss. Aquaman best man.

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Apparently, Deadpool is pan and Star-lord is bi. I think they need to make an already popular male character gay before I call Marvel woke.

I’m straight but Ryan Reynolds is a very beautiful man… he makes me question my own sexuality… rowwrrghhhh!!! :wink:


This. Agree 100%.


I got to meet Brianna Caitlin Hildebrand who played Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the Deadpool movies. She is gay in real life. So I was in line waiting to meet her and there were young girls crying hysterically after meeting her and when it was my turn I said wow did you ever think one day you would have people crying over meeting you? Kinda crazy huh? She said to me, It’s really cool and important that these girls can have someone gay to look up to and represent them and let them know they are normal and that it’s ok to be themselves. So I felt like an ahole after saying that and I didn’t mean it like it sounded. I just didn’t even know she was gay at the time or that this is why the teen girls were crying when meeting her. This is why the sexual preferences of characters matter. Or the race or religion or whatever. It may not mean much to some of us but it means everything to some others.


I feel the same way about Redd Foxx.

Now the, “Sanford and Son,” opening is stuck playing in my head.


I, uh… don’t get this. You mean Jamie Foxx? :thinking:



So why us it the main focus of the character? It is in effect the selling point, everything else is secondary.


Marvel never explicitly says a character’s sexual orientation, yet every comic vet assumes that everyone every written into a Marvel book is straight. Then they create one “Captain America” that we know is gay and it’s “forced”.

We’re going to meet lots of Captain Americas in this series as it’s about regular people we find out were inspired by the original Steve Rogers to keep their neighborhoods safe and be their people’s “Captain America”. That means you’re going to see EVERY part of America, not just the straight, white part. There’s a Native American coming, I’m sure that one will feel “forced” as well.


Agreed. Sexuality in comics only seems to get the “forced” label when it’s not straight.

This cover is extremely sexual in my book, but I don’t remember many “forced” comments around this one.

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Consider the demographic-majority buying comics and it seems normal.

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Normal is subjective, not objective.


According to Google estimates, the overwhelming majority of comic buyers are male at ~70% and people that identify as LGBT make up ~5.6% of the U.S. population. I’m not going to argue percentage points, but for me it makes sense why sexual female characters aren’t getting a “forced” label.

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Yes, because it’s “normal”. :stuck_out_tongue:


We are all human. We all like to f•ck. Therefore, as humans who like to f*ck, we are all represented in these stories. As humans, we should relate to good human stories, and not concern ourselves with our personal preferences. The ‘diversity’ agenda is tearing us apart by insinuating we are different. We are not different. We are all human.