New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Yeah, if I can’t find it for around 20-25 soon I’ll just wait till people dump them when they realize how many were sold. I just like the cover.

I went for the Marvels 1:25 and 1:50 because it has some 1st appearances that will be valuable if the characters ever take off. IDK what will sustain the value of SIlk #2. Cool cover for sure but that’s all it has unless there’s some surprises in the book


I think people see the price on the Spider-Woman variant and this this will do the same thing. There will be at least 10x as many of these printed.

Spider woman snuck up on everyone and took people by surprise and the foc had passed by the time people noticed. This silk cover has been known about it for 2+ months

I would be. Silk #1 first volume only did 74k print run back in 2015. Spider-Gwen #1 in the same month did 254k print run.

I don’t see Silk Vol 3 #2 hitting the 200k mark… no way, not in today’s lacklusting print run world…

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It will be 2x of what the #1 of the new series is, if you include store variants. That’s at least 150k. We will just have to agree to disagree. You will be able to buy #2 of this series for $1 or less forever probably.

We’ll never be able to prove each other wrong since we’ll never know the actual print run. I just can’t imagine it’s going to be that high. It’s almost uncommon now it seems for books to hit the 100k mark. 2015 was the years when normal issues of ASM were seeing 100k each month for each issue but started to drop each and every month up until covid…

Missed all of them except Miles Pichelli variant. (Work got in the way again) I’m iffy about it since there is not cover. Any advise? Leave or drop?

Pichelli normally does great work. But I’m with you, I rarely buy a book that should be based on the cover without seeing the cover itself, particularly if you’re paying over cover.


The higher the risk, the higher the return! LET’S GO!

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Exactly. I don’t want to buy something that may boy won’t like or that I won’t be able to sell.

But you know, Pichelli is co-creator of Miles. So it must be good…


This popped up but was already sold out when I clicked on it. Shows available but hasnt updated yet

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I didn’t know, but now I need this!


F-it. I’ll keep it. You convinced me to spend money lol


I hate not knowing the cover by FOC. I had the Black Widow Rahzzah for a while but dropped it once I saw the art as it really didn’t do it for me. I’m hopeful for both the Miles covers as I like both the artists.

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I wish they made it a rule to have cover art revealed for ratio variants. Retailers get these at no risk if they already bought enough to qualify for them since they pay cover price for them. We on the other hand if having to pay a premium are at 100% risk not knowing what the cover art looks like.


Ah, man. I didn’t even think we’d be getting one of those so I stopped checking if it went up haha.


Is it actually a glass cover?


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