New Variant Ratios on TFAW

I would like a Miles :slight_smile:

I’ll drop an 1:25 Aphra if anyone will willing to drop an GI Joe 1:15…

I dropped a joe

I hear it has an Awesome Stormshadow Snakeeyes cover

Sorry, didn’t grab that one.

At 4x the price it was yesterday on tfaw

Thanks Alana!!!, I wasn’t quick enough… :unamused:


If you add it on or after FOC you have until 12am Pacific before it locks.

So 3am your time tonight for today’s ratios.

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Sometimes it looks at 5pm Pacific time. At least it has happened to me before.

@Gbess did you grab your Something Is Killing the Children #16 (Cover C - Infante Variant 25 Copy)?

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Or were you going after the Something Is Killing the Children #16 (Cover D - Frison Variant 50 Copy) @gbess, both are available.

They must have gotten a lot of these or nobody cares

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Actually priced at ratio. I passed. The 1:50 is not actually in stock even though it says it is.

I didn’t click myself on that one…

It is back. I guess they did not sell 2500 yet.
Nice House on the Lake #1 (of 12) (Francavilla TFAW Exclusive Variant)

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I think with all the store exclusives and I hear issue 16 has a print run of 100k+ there’s probably gonna be tons of the 1:25 and 1:50


its been going in and out, my guess is people who grabbed max cutting a few

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Man, I want that GI Joe!

Geiger #1 (2nd Ptg Cover B - Frank Variant 25 Copy)


I did get the SIKTC 16 1:25 for the wife. It sucks that there was not discount but cool to have it. At least she is happy lol

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