New Variant Ratios on TFAW

No Canto #3 (1:10).

No Beast Wars #5 (1:10).


I try to leave off sold out ones makes it easier. I missed out on the Geiger’s myself

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Why would they do a ratio 2nd print for Geiger #2?

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Canto 3 isn’t on FOC until June.

Publisher trying to boost print count

So it is! Why do I have it as 5/24? :face_with_monocle:

Still pissed about BW! Will catch it at Midtown.

I thought BW 5 was 5/31?

Hard to see a ratio of Geiger #2 2nd printing moving the needle much.

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I think he’s referring to the Black Widow 6 2nd print 1:25 variant that appears to have never showed up as available on TFAW’s website for ordering last week.

I missed out on

GI Joe 282 Ratio Variant… :confused:
None are currently found on the bay…

If anyone comes across it next week at their LCS let me know.

All of the Red room #2 incentives are listed as “foc”, were they not solicited until late?

Image trying to make a play out of Marvel’s playbook… it’s not gonna work for them more than likely.

At least marvel is smart enough to pick spec books to do it with.

All those guys split off from Marvel long ago to create Image Comics cause they didn’t like what they’re doing at Marvel… yet here we are with all those (and most of those same) guys copying Marvel 30 years later… the irony!


All artistic integrity goes out the window if it means more short-term profit.

Well, not necessarily. These are publishers who are in it to make money based on quantity. It’s not like they’re selling them directly for secondary market value and it’s printed artwork, not like originals. The more they sell, the more revenue in their pockets.

The thing to remember is they are in business to make a profit. If they are losing money, they won’t put out comics. Kind of a fine line.

I get that they said several times they were not going to do variants though.

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They totally flip flop on that stance… which just makes them look silly. At one point they were only going to do store exclusives for TPB and that flopped real fast…

They will do whatever it takes to accelerate their profit margin until the 2ndary market collapses again.

Why would they want the secondary market to collapse? They actually don’t do anything for or against it. The way to get them to stop doing things is by not buying it. But in the end the void will be filled by someone else. DC (I can tell you from private conversations) pays close attention to what they spec crowd is in to. Marvel is just Marvel and does what Marvel wants. Image is more creators doing their own things as long as the numbers support it. The creators (at least some that I know) pay attention to the secondary market. Why would they want to kill it? The books that don’t sell on the secondary market just sit in back issue bins, until there is an announcement or some rumor.