New Variant Ratios on TFAW

They should put Taylor on X-Men. His X-Men red series was good.

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True, but it’s still Hickman oversight. I’d rather Taylor get his own, massive sandbox.

Maybe move Hickman off of X-Men completely. The direction he has chosen hasn’t been very impressive in terms of getting people to care.

There used to be a ton I would hit up. Gorilla comics (or something similar) amazing Spiral, and the one that had three locations that name escapes me at the moment.

They’ve definitely diluted the story with so many titles, but I still like that it’s all moving in the same direction (and I really like the Krakoan nation building that imbues how the X-Men relate to the rest of the world). I think having a master plan benefits the line as a whole. I am only reading X-Men, Marauders (my fav), Children of the Atom, and New Mutants. So basically books from Dawn of X and CotA.

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I just wish it had the coolness of his ultimates books. So I guess he will be writing some other future x- title? I can’t remember if that was ever revealed.

Nah they gone. Amazing spiral reopened but that’s not really in the city, collectors corner was downtown but closed during early covid days, they have another location in parkville. All the best spots are in PA tbh.

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Colllectors corner was the one I as thinking of. There are some good shops up the 95 corridor on DE and PA

Collectors corner would always loss me off because they would have sales and books that just came in the past month were excluded. And wouldn’t you know every book in the case was dated from the day the sale started.

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Eat The Rich #1 1:10 Variant

Not sure if this was a cart drop.

Wondering if Lemmy of Motorhead wrote this comic :rofl:

Tfaw is doing a buy 2 get 1 on their Exclusives

I don’t flip or sell my Brubaker comics. Unless I buy the trade.

i dig this cover but im always iffy about ratio incentive #1’s when its really just a new volume/reboot etc ie even at below ratio is it overpriced?
X-Men #1 (Gonzales Variant)

Probably not worth it unless it’s already selling for at least double that, or a solid 1st, or classic cover. Unfortunately, by the time you get it from tfaw, it likely won’t be hot anymore.


The 1:100 is a Gleason probably a x23 made out of razor blades or something, so while I like the 1:50 it’s got to compete with that.


I like this one a little better. Anyone know what the thing is on the far left?


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X-Men #1 (Gleason Variant)

Cart drop

Batman Secret Files the Signal #1 (1:25 Ken Lashley Card Stock Variant)

Cart drop