New Variant Ratios on TFAW

I heard it’s a new character that’s also appearing in Loki episode 2.

(insert tin foil hat emoji)

I saw that new character who appears in BW 8 and shows up in Loki episode 2 in the stain glass of episode 1.



Nice house on the left has overcome all those exclusives. A little surprising.

Not all books are ruined by FOC talk or store variants.

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Let’s just say I didn’t expect the demand to exceed the supply on this one.

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It just “appears” that way. Dont use Ebay as a metric of print runs…


Lucky me I guess, I ordered 10 copies of the Department of Truth 1 5th print and got zero Oswald variant.

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Tynion may be one of the only creators right now who can overcome 10+ exclusives.


i know this aint TFAW but i was upset when i missed it at FOC a couple weeks ago, and i tend to like 3rd Eye’s exclusives etc anyhoo _ i think $20 is reasonable for this 1:10 since its a lcbs for me and i can save on shipping, and i gotta feeling it wont be much cheaper than this ever.

This x10. People get a bit too wrapped up in print runs sometimes. It’s not the be all end all.

Makes one ponder though, what other creators could but don’t though? I can name one, Brian K Vaughn.

BKV is one of those types of creators and writers who wants to put the focus on the story he’s telling rather than cashing out on a bazillion exclusive and covers. I give these types of creators mad props.

Another one is Brubaker, who is a master story/narrative teller and makes most of his stories now into cheaper trades and hardcovers. What could be a bunch of individual floppy copies spread across months or years with residual revenue for them are packaged up and sold into one volume at a fraction of the price.


Brubaker was the man with marvel. Too bad he’d never go back. BKV is a master with creator owned books. Alan Moore is probably my favorite. Cates is a creator that is lousy with endings, which ruins my whole experience.

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Brubaker is so good, when I read his stuff I feel like I’m living in the story itself.

BKV seems like he goes into any story knowing the beginning, middle and end before he even starts, which results in master story telling cause it’s all planned out, so it’s not sloppy.

Moore was good but since he doesn’t write as often, he’s lost his edge I think but his earlier stuff is yes, great.

Cates is not great, he has potential as he’s still young but yes, I think he has good ideas but fails at executing them. I’m about half and half with Cates, some of his stuff was/is entertaining but I wouldn’t call it great.

Tynion seems to start strong in some cases, some of his stories could be way better but for me, his writing just sucks in general and he loses me in his style and execution overall. Now as of lately, he does seem to use his sudden surge in popularity to just pump out as much stuff as he can to ride the cash wave coming his way. Tynion for me seems to work better when he’s just co-writing stuff like when he did a lot of shadow work with Snyder.

Snyder use to be great, not as great. It’s like he lost his mojo. I must say though, his latest Nocterra is good stuff. Maybe he found a little mojo.

Bendis focuses too much on the political correctness factor to woo over readers. If he just stuck to story telling and not so much on making a character gay or different race, etc… he’d be a much better writer.

Charles Soule is consistent. I don’t think he’s super great but he doesn’t really suck either. It’s like he’s got this perfect balance he’s found with his writing.

Tom King is the master of mini-series and obscure characters who aren’t primary prime time type characters in whatever universe he’s writing for. He’s great when he doesn’t do ongoing titles (Sorry King, your Batman run stank, stick to the mini-series)

Maybe we should start a new topic on thoughts and impressions of writers of comics? :slight_smile:


Morrison can be great but has a lot of really oddball work and like with most of his batman run, was too unaccessible for non die hard fans. All star superman was a heart warmer if you ever read that.

Tom Taylor and BKV are some of my favorite writers. I really like Terry Moore too


Tom Taylor just always seems like he enjoys writing whatever book he’s given. He’s also one of those writers that is simultaneously heartwarming and kind of silly. I couldn’t see him writing a super serious/gritty book, in part because his happiness would get in the way (DCeased was grim but also funny). I would love to see Taylor given the long-term reins to something like Guardians of the Galaxy, or like FF; someplace where his ability to write ensembles would shine.

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You local to Third Eye? I am in there like every other day.

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Im in baltimore city but we dont have comic book stores here but since i order most of my stuff online, i order from a 45min radius from my house and do pickups throughout the week; i head over to annapolis about twice a month.

I guess processing isn’t happening today.

Order is delayed. There’s an alert on the top of their page. Won’t process until next week.

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