New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Although, now I’m worried I might not get one of these. :grimacing: It shows up in my pre-orders, but the original price is weirdly empty, and the link is definitely borked.

EDIT: well, it’s back now. XD

I didn’t see the X-O #2 1:25 come up today either. Or any DC incentives over the weekend.

You probably looked while indexes were running

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Ah, that must be it! Thank you.

Spawn #312 Cover D Virgin

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What makes it “hidden” if it’s basically an incentive.

I’m really liking that Miles variant of ASM

The art is a hidden gem. Old art that’s not appreciated like it should.

I wanted those. Smh it was 2pm I was on Tfaw searching and adding to my FOC list and NONE were available. I hate that last minute addition with Tfaw. Hopefully someone drops em out there carts.

Is there a link to the Kelly variant for civil war snapshot book? I can’t find it on TFAW and poyo’s FOC link was an eBay link.

Also why does TFAW sometimes show books as sold out and sometimes just hide the page for the sold out book like with the momoko SIKTC 12 and apparently this one?

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By default when a book is sold out at TFAW, it won’t show up in their search results or when browsing the site. If you have the direct link to the page and it’s sold out, it tells you then.

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Snapshot Civil War #1 Kelly Variant on TFAW

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I could have sworn I had seen sold out stuff when just searching regularly but I guess I could have always been using links from here. Thanks for the info and link.

Probably hit it at the perfect time during an index or something.

Did any DC incentives ever show up?


Power Rangers 1 1:100 Variant

Marvel Zombies Resurrection #4 1:100 InHyuck Lee Variant

This one is back in stock

Dark Nights Death Metal #7 (of 7) (Inc 1:25 Doug Mahnke Variant)

1:25 for $17.99

All three — Three Jokers 1:25

TFAW still has the 1:10, 1:25 and 1:50 Crossover #1 ratio variants available for those interested.