Hmmmm… spam, no. Keep the conversations going, yes.
Really do want the forums to be more than… “hey, click this to buy”… it’s designed for discussions first, then the links to stuff is a bonus…
Hmmmm… spam, no. Keep the conversations going, yes.
Really do want the forums to be more than… “hey, click this to buy”… it’s designed for discussions first, then the links to stuff is a bonus…
This book looks really cool! Thank you for posting this link, as I hadn’t heard of it before.
Is there a way to filter pre-orders by release date, and/or by FOC date on TFAW? @RipCityGamer
For things you have on your list, or things that are for sale?
@dPcomics, check the link on the main site (It’s the TFAW FOC Banner Ad on sidebar, further down the page if on mobile). I set it to default to FOC + 64 per page and by release date. Or you can click this link:
While that may be true, this one is all about giving people the chance to grab variants cheap off tfaw…
Like this one that is back in stock
This issue has a 1st app…young hero named Helper.
Yes, hence the title of this topic. Overall though, really want the forums to be more than just a place people click links.
I agree. But this topic is about the links.
Which I’ve confirmed as well. I get the sense we’re going in circles now…
I am going in squares.
What is a “hidden gem” Variant? Is that like a 1:10 Variant? Very expensive.
It’s a 1:50
Typically they are repurposed art from previous things.
The KiB 1:100 hidden gem was a 1990s poster for example.
An easy way to tell on our site is for Marvel/DC, incentives are always priced a penny below their ratio. ($49.99 = 1:50, $9.99 = 1:10, etc.)
Yes and hidden gems are not limited to a particular ratio either.
Ya they typically are a minimum of 1:50 but go up from there 1:100, 1:200, etc…
I was really hoping the Marvel Action Chillers #2 1:10 would pop up today. Pretty cool Elsa Bloodstone Cover.