New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Me too. Especially the ones below cover price. I can sell them all day long.


One copy of the 1:20 sketch Cimmerian Frost Giants Daughter #1 is up for $8.74 on tfaw.

Dark Nights Death Metal Infinite Hours Exxxtreme #1 (Inc 1:25 Rafael Grampa Variant)

The name needs more X’s.


At least minus or add another X… the triple X gets Blind Adam all super excited.


Batman 105 1:25 Jimenez

I also saw Crossover #2 1:10, 1:25, and 1:50

Thor 9 1:25 back up.

Sounds crazy, but Batman 105 1:25 is a pass for me. Might have grabbed it if I didn’t already have Batman 100 1:25.

The Seven Secrets 1:10 has a different on sale date (1/13) than the regular cover (1/6) for the same issue. Must be a typo on TFAW’s part, I wonder?

Dept. of Truth #2 1:25 back in stock

King in Black Return of the Valkyries #1 1:10 Design Variant

1 left of the 1:10 variant for the new Valkyrie king in black book, allegedly has first app of a new Valkyrie.

I believe the new character is featured on the Noto profile variant. At least that is how I read the CBR article.

I don’t recall seeing this cover available for preorder!

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Found out it’s a webstore only retailer variant

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Nice cover - I don’t understand though sorry - is this cover available for purchase?

It’s only available to retailers at Scouts webstore

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It is a gorgeously creepy cover.

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Cart drops. I didn’t see links above for these books:
Crossover 1:10, 1:25, and 1:50
Black Cat 1 Gleason 1:50
Spider Woman 7 Hidden Gem 1:50
Wolverine Black White Blood #2 1:25

Black Cat #1 (Larraz Sketch Variant