New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Those are my drops enjoy😜

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #112 (Retailer 10 Copy Incentive Variant) Mason

This one sold out before it really went live. I had looked at it several hours ago and it was gone

TFAW Ratio Variant Sale TFAW is doing up to 50% off previous releases on ratio variants. Check to see if there is anything you need/want/missed.

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That’s not true, about 40 minutes ago there were still some in stock and I even sent a link to our staff TMNT collector so he could order one!

I think what happens is sometimes if you load a page that you previously had seen and it’s sold out, your cache doesn’t always update right away. So you need to clear cache or use force refresh.

I checked several times between 3-4 and never saw it live. Not saying it never went for sale but was not able to see it in stock

Here is what I saw drop today, full list of drops.

Origins #2 1:10
Mighty Morphin #2 1:25 Momoko
Rom Dire Wraiths #3 1:10
Cimmerian Frost Giants Daughter #1 10 Copy Momoko Virgin
Cimmerian Frost Giants Daughter #1 1:30 Copy Negative Momoko
GI Joe a Real American Hero #277 1:10
Mighty Morphin #2 1:50
Mighty Morphin #2 1:10
Seven Secrets #5 1:25
Home Sick Pilots #1 1:50
Home Sick Pilots #1 1:25
Star Trek Year Five #17 1:10
King-Size Conan #1 1:200 (Saiz Variant)
Black Cat #1 1:100 (Larraz Sketch Variant)
King-Size Conan #1 1:100 (Buscema Hidden Gem Variant)
King in Black Immortal Hulk #1 1:50 (Kuder Santa Claus Variant)
Taskmaster #2 1:25 Variant

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On your mark
 get set
 go get the Spider-man 55 1:10 video game cover cuz these are rad.


Dope, thanks!!

@SpideyHunter516 go go go

Who is that guy in the back?

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@Bluecontroller appreciate u bro for real!! Got that one sooner as I seen your @ thanks fellas!!

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Yo real shit s/o to @Bluecontroller seen me wanting these covers and thought enough to @ me like yooo they got it. Idk that means a lot to me. As an ex street guy when another guy from another blocc looks out for you that means a lot. Really appreciate that my guy for real.


Some Death Metal 1:25 variants at TFAW
Dark Nights Death Metal #7 (of 7) (Inc 1:25 Doug Mahnke Variant)

Dark Nights Death Metal the Last 52 War of the Multiverses #1 (Inc 1:25 Gary Frank Variant)

Dark Nights Death Metal the Secret Origin #1 (Inc 1:25 Gary Frank Variant)

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1 left

Star Wars High Republic #1 (Blanche Kenny Concept Variant)

Dark Nights Death Metal #7 (of 7) (Inc 1:100 Greg Capullo Black & White Variant)

I am about to drop the Seven Secrets #6 1:10 variant. Right after posting this.

That cover is meh
 it’s a good thing TFAW sells it for under cover price cause anyone willing to spend premium for that one has either way too much money or other issues

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TBH that’s why I dropped it. It
 looked so ugly in my cart. I am definitely enjoying Seven Secrets, but that cover just wasn’t doing it for me.

Better than the ratio covers? Yes, in my opinion!
Dark Nights Death Metal #7 Artgerm


Thats not his normal style either
 I like it.