New Variant Ratios on TFAW

paper shortage, caused many to back up foc’s


It’s almost like we shouldn’t have outsourced all of our production to factories overseas.

Or lazy ■■■■■■■ people dont want to work…


This is the main issue. At the port we are overrun with cargo, but the warehouses have no place to put it, no trucks to move it, and stores are needing it. The main problem being the lack of labor in all areas.

I’ve never seen anything like this in my 20 years in the logistics / transportation / maritime industry.


When Biden keeps handing out free money to the unemployed, it gradually affects the whole country…
The market is GREAT for job seekers. Companies are raising wages and throwing incentives out to gain employees. My company recently gave me an extra $2/hour pay increase. Love it !


Isn’t the Long Shoreman union contract up? I think they’re trying to leverage the shortages into more pay.

The free money that Trump $600 gave was more than jobs paid. There is no free money from Biden the $300 bonus Unemployment (leftover from Trump) ended in July for most and Sept for everyone. Jobs arent willing to pay liveable wages. I was unemployed for a whole year after moving. Trust me I’ve been on more job interviews for work I used to get paid $26hr for the SAME job was trying to pay $14-$16. So people that stayed got hour increases while new hired got lowballed. At least here in the Tri-state.


The negative side of that is a lot of shuffling and companies getting desperate and hiring people that are not really qualified or they have to really invest in a lot of training or have patience until their newly hired can run with tasks. I’m now 24 yrs at my job and barely know my co-workers after a crazy year of turnaround. plus being remote with a lot of them makes it tough to train and mentor as well. I go Into the office as much as i can to be physically present to help. But the place is mostly empty when I’m there.

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I have seen retirement be the driver of job openings in my industry. Working from home didn’t appear to be as enjoyable as coming up to the office for some. This has resulted in lots of great high paying jobs being available all of a sudden in my industry which pulls people from other industries.

Everybody is selling comics that’s why the job openings will remain unfilled :joy:


I will admit…sometimes my sales are so good it eats into my regular work week…

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Two things that we can’t lose sight of in the labor shortage is that 1) we have lost over 700,000 American lives, disproportionally represented by POC and low income people who had no choice but to work during the pandemic and 2) the large number of people that have been kept out of the work force due to child care issues with schools being closed since schools have become de facto childcare allowing many to work during school hours.


The really disproportionate reality is that most of the lives lost due to Covid are people over 65 (77%)… and based on other country stats most of those deaths are actually over 70 (couldn’t find that figure for USA). Many of these older people that died also had 1 or more co-morbidities. So the death of unhealthy elderly people would be less likely to have been a significant impact on the workforce.

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We are careening off-topic. Can we please get back on the focal point of ratio variants TFAW puts up for sale?


I’ll get the ball rolling

Timeless #1 (Heck Hidden Gem Variant

Is it me or are we no longer able to search TFAW for the FOC titles as we were able to?

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You are correct


It’s a known bug and hopefully gets fixed soon-ish. There was an issue with some search features breaking searches so they pretty much turned off anything not vanilla to sort it out.