New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Sea of Sorrows #4 (of 5) (Retailer 10 Copy Incentive Variant) Brian Level

Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #1 (Cover E - 15 Copy)

Not allowing me to add beast wars!!!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #23 (Cover D - (Retailer 25 Copy Incentive Variant) Lopez)

Demon Days X-Men #1 (Momoko Design Variant)

Means it’s gone then… and the index hasn’t updated to tell you it’s “sold out”

Anthony already listed that one…

So I’m faster than TFAW.

That marvel 6 is bad ass, sucks I missed it

I just dropped a couple of books so keep checking those links

Who hoo!

Faster than their indexing… yes. But I’ve already told Brendon that whoever designed the “indexing” portion of their site sucks…

My only hunch is it’s a JAVA on the backend they’re using for the website… bleh… Java sucks! I might be wrong though but indexing should not take long nor should it be that resource intensive.

They probably don’t buy many of the Marvel mini series

Got what I wanted

missed the beast wars tho. Oh well.

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Undone by Blood: Other Side of Eden #1 1:15

Here is what I kept

Got the High Republics I wanted. Guess between those and the Batman 106 1:25 I am breaking the bank that week. Oh well. I feel good about High Republic. Hopefully, I can keep this streak going- especially since I have a better idea how TFaW works. Major props to everyone here for the advice.

I can’t believe someone else besides me wants the beast wars.

The TV series (along with trans metals and beast machines) was awesome…but the comics have left much to be desired. I do like these incentive covers though.

They’ll become available at midtown the week before they go on sale. Issue 1 was $9.99…maybe $7.99.


Yeah midtown or collector cave is my back up.