New Venom character Codex

@agentpoyo Tell that to Rainman! :slight_smile:

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It is going to be interesting how they treat Venom #25 when he makes a first full though… some might go for the first full… but I think Venom #25 despite being a “Number 25” book will have the smaller print run overall… since I’m pretty sure shops are bumping orders since that issue to make sure they got plenty of copies when he does appear…

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He’d probably just reply with “K-Mart”… :slight_smile:

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Store variants count look at Venom #25 Horn

The guy who broke the Robin King spoilers has spoilers for Venom #27. If you don’t like youtubers, spoilers, or this guy, then just don’t watch it.


This guy must know somebody at Diamond and UCS/LUNAR or at the printing company where the books are printed

My Gauntlet Virgin going To be a $700 book one day

I got one a and b coming too for #27 with my Thor #6s

It wont

I got one cover B coming. That Gauntlet virgin looks amazing.

I’m not really a fan of Cates at all, but I figured some of you might care about the spoilers. The picture before you start the video shows Codex I think he said.

Well, this is fairly new, these early spoilers. Given that fact, I would be looking at employees of UCS/Lunar for these early leaks, seeing as they are the newest part to the distribution puzzle. :thinking:

This one is worth a purchase before the news is wide spread there’s already a rush on them. Set was originally $39.99 going for almost $100 on ebay

This is a marvel book. UCS/Lunar would be of no use.

I’ve watched the guy for a while now, he’s talked of a connection at midtown a long time back (before the distro situation) but back then he wasn’t dropping scoops like this and this early either so must be something new. And Midtown would be no help for him on a Marvel book that’s 9 days out.


My one thought is how to peple react to a 27 cover when he’s on 26 covers (and the 25 2nd). Should be interesting. Guts of the book are important though and he’s in 27 not 26.

Venom 27 2nd print and the 1:25…if he’s on any of those, it will be WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER


Who is this guy?

Same guy without the eyes turned on.

That cover is 3000 and 1500 the Jonboy is 3000 and 1000 print runs.

The site popped up with a purchaser from Hawaii as I was adding it lol! Assuming you?

I really liked those (Jonboy) to begin with…I pulled the trigger too!

Never bought from the (SadLemon)…I’m assuming no worries since you posted it/used them?

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Yep that was me lol. Sad lemons fine takes a little time from the UK but they package well.