New Venom Series by Al Ewing

Looks like a storm trooper symbiote

Is Spawn making a cameo in Venom?

Venom #12 covers

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That new symbiotes symbol looks like Manthings face.

finished cover for #11, without trade dress…Sleeper Agent

KCC already calling it a first full.

How did they get that Intell?!!!

Anyone able or willing to confirm? I think they are assuming this based on the cover and the Bryan Hitch Tweet.

But we all know better than to go by what an artist says is a “first”…


KCC doesnt know shit. He’s trying to be “first” with info (that he’s pulling out of his ass).


I’ve found the current, “Venom,” comic kind of slow and dull, honestly. I love both Ram V and Al Ewing as writers or stuff but it is just kind of boring.

I really like sleeper but not like this
Woof :joy:


They really didn’t think that cover through did they?


see avx #0

Eh, I kinda see what everyone is getting at but it isn’t that much vulva-looking.

Venom #13 cover (WIP)

My listing for the ASM 93 1:25 has received 2 likes within 24hrs. It hasn’t received a like since late April. Any news that is spiking interest?


Key Collector- Nicks picks listed it.

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Thank you!


I fell in love with Bryan Hitch’s work on The Ultimates, when it first came out. But I’m glad to see someone else taking over art duties on Venom. CAFU is super talented, so this is welcomed news.

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