Prior to Metal, the last tie in arc I read was Batman RIP…and all the subsequent Return of Bruce Wayne. Couldn’t follow it at all, spent a lot of money, was disappointed. So much that I basically walked away from comics for 5-6 years. Metal kind of got me back into it, all those shiny covers, TBWLs and Mattina/Dell Otto store variants…but even that story went out with a whimper in the end.
So i also stay away now. I’ll read the main arc and that’s it. Except this one…I have a little more vested in the characters being it’s central around Batman and his family and rogues gallery.
Or just wait for the collected editions, at discount when shops throw their big sales.
The nice thing about Marvel is I subscribe to Marvel Unlimited… in 4-6 months all the books show up there to read. Now, DC… meh, I read Convergence and stuck to main title… I just can’t get into DC events.
So I checking sales of this book, and even as of the last couple days, copies of Nightwing 70 are selling for $18-25,one sold for $69 on 8/10/20!
I am thoroughly confused as to why, because this is well after Punchline made her cameo and debut in B89 & HA3… so they can’t be hoping it is a first punchline, right? Can anyone shed some light on this?
Because people are trying to put sets of Joker War together and that was the first Joker War (tie-in) to come out. It was also during that just before Covid-time. This happens with popular sets as the tie-ins are harder to get. There was a Nightwing tie-in during Metal that goes a few times cover as well.
Batman, and especially Joker, sells. Marvel ‘events’ do not. The former are blue chips. The latter are penny stocks. (I’m not saying all books with Bats and Mr.J are great investments, but in this comparison they very much are).