Nycc 2023

What other wild chase do you want to send me on over the next hour?

lol. Get any of the Arcbound books ? or the Marvel panel exclusives ? or the Transformers / Duke ebay books ? or the Department of Truth bootleg ? or the Killadelphia 31 exclusives ? or the Ghost Machine ashcans ?

Theres just a shit ton on NYCC books on Ebay ā€¦lol

Thereā€™s some American Psycho #1 NYCC exclusivesā€¦

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Transformers #1 NYCC foil CGC 10 sold on Ebay Live for $1100

Shawn Kirkham was the seller, of courseā€¦

dude is like a circus showmanā€¦ (or snake oil salesman)


$1100 for a book that will be worth $600 to $700 a year from nowā€¦Not bad.


Does Moon Man use bottomless chaps as part of his costume? I was thinking of posting a picā€¦but then decided no to.

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Will give a run down when Iā€™m back in the train home. It was insane.

I will say I missed out more than I hit pay-dirt. The whole lack of internet service is maddening.

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cause they gotta save it for everyone selling on whatnot/ ebay live, IG, qvc, etc

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Alright. Finally sitting down. Havenā€™t sat down since about 8:30am or so.

Thatā€™s 10.5 hours. I also did not use the bathroom for about 9.5 hours. It was a long day.

I got in at exactly 10:00am. I made it to Tynionā€™s table and ended up being number 74 out of 75. I was feeling like I had a good shot as it didnā€™t seem like there were 75 people ahead of meā€¦more like 50 or lessā€¦and there were people in line that had been there the other days. I know this because I got a pin which I was told was only handed out today.

From there I swung by the EBay booth and grabbed my ashcan of Duke #1 (Cobra Commander variant). Iā€™ll post it later.

Swung by Comic Mint (those bastards) to see if there was a Batman #1 silver foil, ASM 300 black shattered facsimile, or Batman Adventures 12 (the classic cover foil) still available. As expected all sold out. Not really disappointing as they were really over priced at $40, IMO. I was just curious. The ASM 300 would have looked better as a foil.

I walked the floor for a few hours, but was disappointed that what I was looking for was overpriced, over graded cgc books, or just not there. The few books I did want I held off on till the end as I wanted to try and make a last minute deal. But ran out of time. Sunday is a really fast day.

I got to Momokoā€™s table at 12:40 to get a ticket for the 3pm signings. There was already a line (maybe 50-75 people) and they started handing out tickets within a few minutes of when I got there. They ran out about 8 people ahead of meā€¦Iā€™m surprised as they werenā€™t supposed to start handing them out until 1pm, and only about 50 or so tickets at they. Really disappointed I missed out. Next year Iā€™ll have to be more diligent. Sunday is such a short dayā€¦just canā€™t squeeze it all in.

Stopped by Jockā€™s and EM Gists table for a few signatures ($5 & $10 respectively). Just for the PC. I was hoping Eastman would be signing more after his ticketed ones were done. I was told by one of his ā€œhelpersā€ to come back at about 2pm. I did but he decided he was done.

I finished walking the exhibitor floor from there. I will say I wasted so much time trying to get serviceā€¦people likely lost sales from me because I would come across a book that looked familiar and a good priceā€¦but I couldnā€™t recall what it was and I could not pull up info on my phoneā€¦so I walked away. It was worse than last year.

I did grab a few of the Arcbound ashcans. They had a lot more itemsā€¦The lady seemed to not want to have to bring it back because she gave me three tee shirts!

Apparently the Javitts center really pushes for exhibitors to be out of there at the stroke of 5pmā€¦so when i went back to look to make some offers on smaller books about 4:30 they had already packed up and heading for the trucks. Thatā€™s one of the issues going on Sundayā€¦


I wasnt planning on doing any of this but as I was alone today I managed to snag a DPT Bootleg, Transformers Foil, Duke ashcan, Ghost Machine signing and got into Peach signing too.


You know, I was there at 4:30. At the EBay booth. Waiting to see what stuff theyā€™d put up for last minute/chance deals. I couldnā€™t get eBay live to come up on my app or browserā€¦they kept talking about some poster board a bunch of artists made remarks on and I got bored and walked out. Never saw what they put up for sale.

walked to Midtown Comics to buy a few issues from the past week my LCS didnā€™t get in (or were damaged).

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How did you manage that? I thought they sold out yesterdayā€¦.or the day before.

Which Duke ashcan did you get?

Damnā€¦we were within feet of each other a few times today unbeknownst to us!

I got the Cobra Commander one. They put up a few more Dukeā€™s and TFā€™s at 9am this morning. No idea why or where they came from or if they were from people who didnā€™t pick up their books?
I only saw them when I was browsing in the queue hall. 5G was actually working in the morning ha.

Also dang we were close to each other lol. I appreciated how fast Peach moved. They gave out the tickets by 12:30 once they saw the line would be all full, and when I went down for the 3pm signing she was already doing it like at 2:30. No Dice rolls for a chance of remarque unfortunately though

LOLā€¦that poster board was up for auction on Ebay Live RIGHT AFTER the Transformers 1 cgc 10 auction. :laughing:

Yeah. I didnā€™t think to look at the Ghost Machineā€¦I passed by several times and I didnā€™t recall anyone talking it up and I could not access the page inside. It was so challenging just waking aroundā€¦constantly bumping into peopleā€¦having to squeeze your way in just to look through the short/long boxes. .I walk fast/waste no time, and I knew exactly what I was looking for, which was a very short list, and wasnā€™t shy about wedging my way in or asking about a wall bookā€¦ I still didnā€™t come close to covering what I was hoping to.

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It was so stupid. They had this guy in a bubbleā€¦you couldnā€™t understand what he was saying despite being micā€™d. There were no screens around in the room to display what the helll he was taking about (I think it was in front of him on the desk?) and you couldnā€™t watch it on your device BECASE THERE WAS NO SERVICE ON THE FLOOR.

Thatā€™s the poster board behind him. Heā€™s probably selling the 10.0 book right there when I snapped the photo. No one is in this room with me because it sucked.

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Lolā€¦yup. thatā€™s Shawn Kirkhamā€¦

Did you go any other days? I thought sheā€™d do more signings than what they gave tickets for. There wasnā€™t a lot of people ahead of me. Maybe she wanted to get out of there. Everyone looked exhausted.

Frank Miller looked like a corpse. He had a sign in front that read ā€œI Am Frank Millerā€ as if he couldnā€™t introduce himself. He reminded me of Stan Lee in his final days. He could barely lift his head.

His bouncers were very adamant that no pictures be taken. I was looking at my phone trying to get a signal and they stared me down and warned me a few times. I just got out of there as to not cause trouble.

Sounds like fun was had and some major annoyances for this who went!

People annoy me in generalā€¦so I canā€™t fault the convention for the crowds. I know what I signed up for. I got some good video of how insanely crowded it was to try to maneuver.