Nycc 2024

Listings up for the Big Clutch Transformers trade dress foil (issue #1) and the Dreadnoks GI Joe #1 ashcan.

Last year it was pick up only, but this year there is a separate listing to be shipped (you can request combined shipping).

If you pick up, it provides a bar code to be scanned.

These are 500 and 600 release, respectively. I like that he keeps the price lower than most other exclusives which seem to start at $40.

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Did you see the Massive book they were offering? I hope this is misprint…


Todd McFarlane signing for…FREE ???



I wonder how much of a pain getting the ticket to this will be. Also I need to buy a copy of that comic then lol

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To me, it will go like this:
Those with Dealer passes will find a way to get on the CGC line first
Those with Press/Pro passes will be next, since (I believe) they’re in a different entrance line
Then those at the beginning of those gigantic general admission corrals where they herd cows (us hobbyists)
Then those than can run faster than those that are ahead of them

Everyone else is SOL :wink:

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… as a side note, I love when the Toddfather does free signings at NYCC.
He has often done so for NYCC going quite far back.

The reason I love when he does this, is everyone and their mother go bananas to try to get that free ticket/band and disregard going elsewhere that will also be a hot exclusive(s) because they’re too busy fighting for toddfather tix. Enter me - I just don’t bother with McFarlane knowing I will likely get shutout, and I go elsewhere and scoop up the exclusives instead. It’s a numbers game with the same people.

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Well, I can tell you how my Momoko experience went last year. The original signature sign-ups were gone within t minutes. But similarly she offered additional signatures (free) at her table for one hour each day. People were told not to line up and the line kept getting disbanded. So I decided to just show up about 20 minutes prior to avoid that crap.

They also said tickets would start being handed out at x:xx time. No sooner. But when I show up 20 minutes early they’re already handing them out and I quickly jumped into the line…and wouldn’t you know the last freakin ticket was handed to the person in front of me….

As frustrating as that was, earlier in the day I was the last one to get the department of truth bootleg comic in another line.


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I can tell you this is not true. At least from my experience press passes are not treated any differently than regular admission for these signings.

The only thing you get with a Press Badge most of the time is a nice area to sit and relax from the crowds with your own bathrooms, everything else, you’re almost worst off (priority wise) than buying a regular badge, most of the time the press badges gain you nothing extra…

What I have noticed at the last two conventions is the “public” rest areas only have a few outlets to charge devices. And even though the outlets have two slots for usb And 2 slots for adapters, people just plug in their bulbous adapter and block the extra usb ports. Basically an outlet that could charge 4 phones is limited to two by a large block.

With The press badge you can get away from those ninnies and have a private spot to eat and recharge.

In a lot of ways, that’s worth it right there…

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Perhaps not Press, but definitely Pro.
I can say that from my own experience as I’ve had Pro passes many times in the past.
And I lined up elsewhere and was on the show floor/artists alley earlier due to the shortness of the line relative to the “corral” line

Starting out today’s journey sharing a train (Metro North) with Mike DeCarlo!


Any guesses what “the” comic exclusive of the show will be this year?

wont know till marvel panels are finished

Note the red star across the chest. Has a muzzle as well.


I only ask that please no Peach Momoko…


Fantastic Four #13…Dino Doom. Making a comeback.

Above is the panel give away. Wish it was the pic below.

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Tynion’s horror universe from Image


Cappuccio on a Wolverine book? Take my moey!

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