Nycc 2024

Available online if anyone wants to buy it…

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Only one book sold out at comic mint. A few, including the absolute Batman homage, on the verge.

Spawn was crazy (still is crazy). I got a good story for later, though. They didn’t start selling until 10am, but I got there at 10 (they start letting people on at 9:50). Line was about 200 people I estimate. I got to home the “line ends here” for a while, lol.”

Comic mint and spectral are neighbors, so the they’d are gumming up the works in that area.

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Daredevil 14 line is capped for the day as is 10:30. Didn’t make it…oh well!

Chris Claremont has a nice line going.

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Word is out. This line was not here 20 minutes ago.


Uh boy… yea… that’s not what it was yesterday.
But people (I guess) see the prices on Ebay, and off they go to the booth for today.
Only reason I went is I know someone running the booth and he asked me to come on by. So I (partially) reluctantly did; not knowing and actually not caring. But wowza… word does get out quickly

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eBay Live today has a much longer line as well to kick things off as well.

Dragotta Hours Friday.

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Oh, it makes no sense story-wise. It is just a cool visual. Like when people mash-up that Akira homage with other random stuff for fun and it makes no logistical sense.

Make sure your books are in the sleeves with backer boards with a cut out where you want his signature, I believe he’s pretty rough on comics when handling and will create spin ticks and creases…

I’m not going for his sig, but good advice.

Ryan Stegman’s line was capped 5 minutes before he started.

Only missing Skottie Young now. This is a fun cover to get signed.


Friday recap

JTC Daredevil book sold out for the day again.
Adi Granov 80’s rouge variant is still selling well.

Peach Spawn was a poop show. I was probably within the first 40 people in queue downstairs. The let us in at about 9:50 and I went straight to the booth to get the Peach Spawn books. As I am going down the isle I see that there is probably at least 100 people waiting around already even though the stated attendees only could purchase. As I get close to the booth the guy with the line starts here sign yells out “line starts here” probably ten feet in front of me and people converge on me from both sides pining me in and pushing myself and others in both directions literally almost knocking over some booths to get in line. It was a stampede and I am surprised no one got hurt and fell down. I was probably number 20 in line, but I got the hell out of there because I don’t care how much I could have flipped them for, I don’t like men acting like animals literally pushing on me from all directions. I get that the booth was trying to make it fair for the attendees, but it could have been handled a hell of a lot better.

Later in the day down in the autograph area they have the free signing’s that you had to win in the queue online. It was such a cluster F that people that had reservation were turned away before they even started because the lines were capped and there were not letting anymore people in. The staff started shouting a yelling at people to leave because there were people waiting around and not moving by the autographs.

NYCC is very understaffed for the amount of people that go. On top of that the try to cram in as much into areas as possible and one thing starts to overflow into another. Friday felt like a Saturday, so I can just imagine what tomorrow will be like.

If I go next year it will just be Thursday.


Been going to NYCC since the very first one so many years ago.
It was well behaved, fun, I got everything I wanted and when I wanted.

Each year has gotten worse and worse and worse with the animals, cro-magnon, and neanderthals.
Good things only seem to last as long as until savages get a wind that there’s money to be made and then the wheels fall off. The cheating begins. The dealers using dealer badges. Other slimy moves. etc…

My time for attending is coming to an end… I have to say… in the not so distant future.
Nothing is worse than dealing with money hungry savages and animals.


As someone who’s been into comics all my life off and on, I feel like at some point I should go to a major con like SDCC or NYCC just for the experience. The biggest one I’ve been to is Fanexpo and it’s ok, not as crowded as the major cons.

But I’ve been hearing these stories so often now it makes me wonder if I really need to go. I can’t stand large crowds and especially people acting like Neanderthals. Makes me think I would absolutely hate it.


There’s still reasons to go and attend.
Meeting artists that come from half way around the world that don’t go to other Cons for example.
Original Art
But, these days at SDCC/NYCC, unlike 5+ years ago to try to get the hot book(s) is just an exercise of going to battle starting with getting up super duper early. Then dealing with being deflated like @cms1 who was 40th in the giant corrals; 10 ft from front of line and still getting trampled, smashed, and having 100 dealers in front of him. I’ve been there, and the feeling is not a good one


Who’s they?

It was for Hiro Mashima a manga artist, for Bleach which I think the had some of the voice actors and some author who had a huge following.

I have to second this. In the past three years now I’ve attended at least one is the days. This year was the first Thursday. I was expecting it to be more calm then Friday….bit it felt just like Friday last year.

And I could tell today was going to be more challenging, because the lines before they opened the door were overflowing past the gates unlike yesterday.

Most of the day I was able to navigate…but then at one point one of the escalators quit down to artist alley (around 2pm). The next escalator down was basically a stand still, as they’re pretty much at max capacity if they’re all
Working…but I knew there was another escalator just around the corner….so bypasses that mess.

It really did feel like wading through molasses just about everywhere you went. And half the problem is people just stop in the middle of the isle, or groups walk side by
Side gumming up all the works. And it doesn’t help places like Funko hand out monster bags that take up the volume of another person.

Most people were cordial (minus the spawn momoko) until more people filtered in later in the day…by the end of the day people went from apologizing to just running you over and not looking back.

I pretty much have the grails I want. Anything else is in the $200 range or so and not really “keys” so not worries about spec driving up prices…and they’re not rare so I think I can find them at small cons, or just resort to eBay. What I saying is I may still go to future large cons, but only to meet artists and have fun. We’ll see what the future holds.


Ah, ok. That was one that sold out quick to.

Yesterday was busy in Artist Alley, but it wasn’t anything like today. I saw so many lines and was surprised by caps.

Scott Snyder line was across the alley and around a corner. I had my absolute books but figured he’s typically at cons…there will be another opportunity.

Nick Dragotta wasn’t too bad. Showed up a few minutes early and was near the front.

Stegman I was shocked at how quickly the line formed…and was capped…I was glad I decided to show up 30 minutes early.

I stopped by Cates yesterday not long after he started…there was no one there…I had to look at him for a minute to make sure it was him actually behind the desk. Maybe today was different. I don’t look at Venom 3 and say “that’s a Stegman book…”. I think of it as a Cates book.

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There were some huge lines for artists. Ryan Otley’s line literally block off one whole isle. Jtc lines was capped at a certain point. I don’t think Chris Claremont had less than 30 people on his line the whole time I was there. It looked like Chip Zdarsky had a busy line yesterday and today as well.

Yeah, I enjoy artist alley a lot and that is mainly the only reason I go, but the Spawn situation was crazy and I am a bigger guy that can hold his own. The older I get the less I want to deal with things like that and I am not that old.