Nycc 2024

Sorry that you had that experience. Now that I’m on the train home and have a minute to type I can give you my experience.

I as well got in line about 10am. I knew exactly where I was going and as soon as my row was allowed in I go there about as quick as anyone could without running or running into anyone. I estimate I was maybe 120-150 back. It was going to be close. Someone from Spectral hands me the “line ends here” sign and asked if I would hold it. I said absolutely. They guys in front of me and I were just chit chatting, just making the best of it, even though it looked grim. Suddenly the same guy walks up and presumably picks a random person ahead of me and starts counting the people in line at the end. He says “ALRIGHT, people aren’t being respectful up front! Unlike you guys in the back, So the 10 of tou come with me! You’re going to the front!”

So we’re looking at each other like, “ is this for real?” I joked that he’s just a guy screwing with us to drag us out of the line…but hey, what do we have to loose? Sure enough, I suddenly found myself #5 in line.

Unfortunately the extra copies I bought are already promisee to others, or I’d offer you one. I did not think a momoko book signed by Mcfarlane would be a hit (I’m not batting very well with my spec these days, lol)… But figured people seemed to be talking about it so why not try to grab some for some people? Especially since I wanted to attend the Hasbro panel today (which Inevitably was bounced out of by a few people…my own fault for not prioritizing it…I should have just looked for the books after the panel…hard lesson).

What I have seen done in these situations before is they allow people to line up by a certain time, then after that time they cap the line and hand out tickets in numerical order. Then they draw a random number and that is the front of the line and they take the ticket as they hand out the books.

This is the second year I’ve been in a line that was not well thought out and ended up being a failure in fairness. Although I did benefit from it, it doesn’t make it right. I agree these vendors need ti have a contingency plan when this situation develops. Or just tell the fans ahead of time how it’s going to be if there is a line that forms to make it fair for everyone.

They also should not sell books to dealer badges. They’re there to sell their books…not someone else’s…


I missed that cap by about 10 people as well.

I was ok with it as, although the book is cool, I didn’t feel like I had to have it.

Any Spawn book signed by Todd is going to be a hit, especially when it’s that limited. Glad you had good fortune and sorry to cms1 for having the opposite luck.

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No worries. It was an experience for sure.

It wouldn’t be NYCC without some drama. It does seem to center around Momoko though…even when she’s not there…


Here’s the panel exclusive. I have to say the GI Joe anehcans this year are kinda of lame compared to last year.

Here’s the Midtown ashcan ($20). I’m glad they didn’t stick their “logo” on the front. I don’t care for most midtown exclusives for that reason.

Both Williamson and Reilly were present to sign copies (no extra charge).


Yeah Major cons are getting brutal thats for sure.

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Very interesting to hear the reports. Thank you (all of you) for sharing your experiences! I’ve never been to a big Comic Convention. Well, aside from the Motor City Comic Con which is actually a smaller “state” convention. I find your reporting fascinating.

It’s just funny as for someone like Stegman as an example. I’m from his area and have spent countless times at cons where there is literally nobody at his table. Never even paid for signatures or remarques for the most part.
A few others have been like that when they did make it to my area.

These events sound really fun & exciting but I think I’d need to go alone. I like being with people, don’t get me wrong, but I tend to be laser focused and a bit hyper vigilant.
Do you all go alone? It just seems like it would be really hard to coordinate with “someone”.

Anyway, keep the fun reports coming and happy hunting!!! I hope you get all the goodies!!!

I just can’t get over the prices vendors have on back issues in bins. So many still have 2021 prices.

I know it’s a lot of books to reprice for some of them…I tended to spend my time searching through bins that had 30-50% off. Ones that were “price as marked” I pulled a few popular books out to gage their prices…and if I found them overpriced I moved on.

Also spent more time looking through $1-$5 bins.

I did find a few good things. I’ll have to create a different thread tomorrow and run through them.

wall books I didn’t really pay much attention too. I think most vendors had price corrected (unlike last year). But i did run into the occasional Darth Vader 3A for $400… :roll_eyes:


Speaking of comic book vendors, did anyone who went feel like there were even less than last year…not significantly less, but still noticeable?

It did keep the comic book hunting condensed
They are all basically in three rows and 5-6 isles. Which is convenient for hunting…

It was tough to get to some books with the crowds…but today was manageable. I think tomorrow will be worse, though.

Yes. In the future when perhaps I’m not seeking out specific books and just checking stuff out I may bring family…then I can be one is those annoying people who get in my way, lol. but they cold absolutely not keep up with me. I zip around so much…by the end of the day I’m taking three advil, my feet and legs hurt so much It’s really the standing and not taking a break to sit, though. I don’t even stop to eat. I wait until I get to Midtown Comics and grab some 99 cent slices…just below them on the corner.

Of course after about 15 years they’ve finally raised the price to $1.50….booo!!!


Yeah I had the same issue with SDCC. I wanted some books and they where priced way higher. Its crazy cuz that shop was a local shop and when I went to the shop they had them back to regular price. So I guess some shops raise the prices for the big shows to make extra money?

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yes there def seemed like there was less
My godson randomly wanted to find a specific back issue (he never asks this lol) but I was more than happy to hunt.

In my mind I knew where to look based on prior years but boy it felt like the amount of possible places to look was fewer when we went to do it

Thankfully we were successful

Some people are reporting a fist at the Momoko Spawn exclusive booth :upside_down_face:

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Fist fight

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if it involved comictom it could have been a fisting


Donofrio and coxe - guests at sat marvel panel.

Also confirmed Muse in the show

BTW, I am not saying this place serves great NYC pizza by any means. It might be comparable to Dominoes…it’s just cheap pizza (and barely qualifies as food). After a long day on your feet, any pizza tastes good. :slight_smile:
For me it’s become tradition when I visit Midtown…

My NYCC is over for this year (only went Th/Fr). But if anyone is still there, feel free to check the EBay Live to see if this book sold out.

There are only 27 copies left on Sienkowicz’s website…but I don’t see the eBay store listing anymore.

The thing I liked about this book is that supposedly only 500 were made available for the trade dress, while the equivalent virgin covers were 1000 copies and shared across multiple stores.

I personally prefer trade dress over virgin covers…and I think in this case the trade dress is part of what makes this cover what it is…it’s transformers #1!

Starting to see listings for the trade dress for $50+ now, so worth keeping an eye on it…


Hmmmm….because this was a midtown signing, I’m wondering if these are going to show up for $20 on their
Website this week…

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