Odds and Ends

you can watch it right on youtube for free


To all you Maystorm fans…


This issue will debut Maystorm? She’s not in issue #1?

The solicitations for issue 2 says they’re introducing Maystorm. Time to load up!!!


Debut doesn’t mean 1st appearance. Could be that she shows up in cameo at the end of 1.

Keep an eye out for those spoilers this weekend.

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For those that sell books, how did your February go? I sold maybe 3X what I usually sell, and I think Feb might have been my best month of sales ever. Yeah, I sold a couple hot Ultimate books, but 80% were just random books. People were buying this month.

I have been doing well since the beginning of the year.

A glorious 2 months

Anybody know what exactly SCOUT Comics is apologizing for in a new Tweet?

Link for reference:

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They didn’t respond to a creative team that was trying to get questions answered. They are too busy on whatnot to respond I guess.

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As for the question of how February went, it was awesome. This year has been great so far. I have been selling the hell out of Ultimate books. I am thinking the eBay algorithm is liking all the sales so it is giving my other listings more priority as I am selling a ton of random books as well. Couple in the fact that my Mercari sales went from none to a bunch and it’s been a great start to the year. Hoping it continues as we are approaching Spring time.


If you look at this creator’s initial posts about problems at Scout, you’ll see at least half a dozen other creators coming out of the woodwork about bad faith stuff on Scout’s part.


Start of thread: https://x.com/jarredlujan/status/1762914018443059481?s=20

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Publishers that don’t pay their creators are the scum of the earth.


That’s an appearance though… :thinking:

That they kind of suck now? That would be my guess…

With the current market attitude, ‘full first’ in UXM 2 should be enough to drive it.

These are the covers for #2, with history telling us anything, Cover A is the way to go, but grabbing one of each as they will all sell.

Ultimate X-Men #2
Ultimate X-Men #2 (Peach Momoko Variant)
Ultimate X-Men #2 (Betsy Cola Ultimate Special Variant)
Ultimate X-Men #2 (Tbd Artist a Variant)

So I need to buy a copy of issue one and issue two and sell them in a bundle? That will optimize my money? Although at this point anything with the ultimate label is a license to get a little bit of scratch…

Ultimate storyline has been really good. Worth the investment to hold some. Marvel found writers again with the Ultimate stories.

So now the Ultimate Universe will basically save Marvel’s bacon twice? Back in 2000 and now in 2024? Wild to think!