Odds and Ends

The guy getting 2nd thru 4th prints prints for All 3 Ultimate series #1’s just subscribed for Ultimate Spider-man and Ultimate X-Men A covers.

Apparently even he doesn’t want Ultimate Black Panther??? I cannot say I understand this lack of interest.


Maybe it lacks a killer hook?

This new Ultimate is Spidey has grown up and has kids.

The Ultimate X-Men is a huge draw for Peach fans.

So I dunno?

At least he ordered a $250 bundle for Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #1 just now. He also grabbed the last 10 qty ratio for Ultimate X-Men #1 so we slide a tiny bit closer to seeing break even off in the distance.

For the Ultimates we’re up to 2 subscribers for Spider-man and X-Men. Just 1 for BP. Only one copy of #2 coming in Monday for the one subscriber. Just got the tracking number and invoice from PRH.

If the price stays down on the UBP1 second prints coming in Monday I’ll slip one out onto the shelf but the opinion back at FOC was it’s a sure thing for going up and not being a shelf candidate. I guess we’ll see.

Talking to my shop owner, he said Black Panther titles never sell. He only ordered a couple UBP1 copies because of it.

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Who said that? I highlighted it, but it wasn’t a pick of the week.

I’d have to dig thru the posts to find it but someone was saying something along the lines of ALWAYS order 2nd prints when they FOC before street date for the 1st print. It was enough to talk me into 2 extra just in case, cause you never know.

There’s another saying floating around about betting on A. I used that one to order 74 out of the 100 Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #1’s today as A Covers. If it’s not the cover of preference there’s always the chance it’ll be the cover Marvel plays games with surprise mix-ins with like King in Black #1 A cover.

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I think that was possibly @monopolyjackson that states/ed that…

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I was thinking that as well but not looking to toss anyone under the bus over a couple comics. :slight_smile: They sell or I’ll double up selling on something else to make up for it. I never ordered #2’s to go with them anyway and I made enough on the 1st prints to cover a little gamble on the 2nd’s.


Yes it was meeeeeeee…

Hey, the Ultimate 2nd prints will be sought after…5 years, 10 years from now…who knows. They are connecting covers. Maybe Im just bias… :hugs:

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Not really throwing under bus if they publicly said it for all to read here… :wink:

Hopefully at least 1 will. Small risk I figured. Sell 1 of the 2 at cover and we’re good. If they blow up then we’ll turn them into more Red Bands or something like that…

Put them on your wall for customers to see them all connecting.

Maybe customers just dont see the big picture…


I never got US1 2nd. Ordered after FOC and they were already out. I’m more of a fan of the user friendly wraps for the wall. It’s a lot easier to remember to tell people years later to just buy two copies of the same comic than to try and remember what connects to who.

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Just wanted to say, karma was good today… I walked the dog and in the middle of big intersection crosswalk, saw a huge drill bit in middle of road that would likely result in someone getting a flat tire if they hit it. So I picked up and tossed out of road. Low and behold as I get through crosswalk, in the grass between sidewalk and street there’s a dollar bill on the ground. Lotto ticket? Maybe my good deed turn to small fortune turns into a bigger fortune… :slight_smile:


100% monopolyjackson

Better share that winning ticket though :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::wink:

According to BC were getting free promo stuff with options to buy more.

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Oh plastic vampire teeth. I love cutting up my gums. lol.

Oh. Arcade carpet came in.


Are you getting a blacklight ?

Yes I am.