Odds and Ends


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Of course… those mega jackpots, I don’t need that much money. 90% or more would likely get donated to charity or other causes to help others.

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If you win I will take all the extra money you don’t want. I have plenty of plans for it. Not just dumb stuff but some charitable stuff.

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Page 6!


DC accused of using AI art in Batman

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:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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uh oh,
its funny, when i saw those pages in Joker Year One, i was like oh they look cool but somewhat out of place for the mood of the story

I didn’t like it tbh, I’m a huge fan of Sorrentino but those pages look out of place and not anything like his previous work.

hate to say but, expect more of this to come.


If you’re going to put so little effort into your, “Art,” as to use A.I. why should I bother reading it? That’s my feeling on A.I. art. You’re creating something in the same way if I order a meal at a restaurant I, “Made,” the meal. I didn’t make the meal, the chef did. You didn’t make the art, the computer did.

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For me personally, art no longer was “art” with the advent of digitally produced art.
Yea - I’m one of “those” individuals who believes in the sanctity of the pen and brush.

So the advent of A.I. over what was previously digitally produced art is just the next step in non-art.
So I really don’t care because it was already dead to me years ago.
This just buries it 12 ft; instead of 6.


I’m exactly the same way, I despise digital art. AI art has hit a new low for me, it’s no longer art to me. Sadly I don’t see art going back to the way it was before because it’s much faster for “artists” to pump these out digitally and save the layers to reuse the “art” for other projects.


I wholly disagree, just because theres less stuff involved (drawing tablet and a pen) does not mean its “not real art” . You still have to apply several fundamentals of drawing such as color theory, anatomy, proportions, composition, etc. You still need to be a competent artist. Another example, I do 3d sculpting on my computer using my tablet, and trust me it is still very challenging and your average person picking up a drawing tablet for drawing or sculpting isnt going to do a very good job. Theres also plenty of artists who do both traditional and digital mediums and are still good at both because having those foundational skills applies


Wandering nipples will always get ya…


Lots of digtial artist like Fiona staple, robbi rodriguez, kael ngu, nick dragotta and others who do stunning work digitally and probably take just as long as traditional art.

I agree with you.

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Some day, 20 years in the future when A.I. becomes as commonplace as anything, there will be those that believe A.I. art is art.
It’s a sign of the particular time.

10,000 years by hand
30 years digital
Lord knows how many years by A.I.

I stand by my feelings




I have no doubt that it still takes talent to work digitally, for me it’s about the aesthetics. I just love the way art looks with traditional media. I recently read Dave Steven’s Rocketeer and I’m absolutely blown away at his craftsmanship, every single page and panel was a masterpiece. I look at some of the art from George Perez and John Buscema and these were when comic book art was at it’s peak for me. I’m looking at the art from the pages of these modern books we’re reading today and I’m mortified.

To be honest if I was a kid today and saw the digital art that’s prevalent in American comics I would’ve never have gotten into comics. I just don’t like the way digital art looks, it’s the same way I feel about CGI. Sure there’s very talented people working for Pixar but I’ll take the traditional old school Disney art in movies like Sword in the Stone any day.


I got some numbers in so lets see how Diamond’s freight charges play out and how they will change.

Box #1, all the Thundercats. Thru Lunar this would have been charged at about $11.50, thru PRH free
Diamond charged $15.23
When the new 3% flat rate kicks in April 10, the retail amount of $438.54 would make the new rate $13.15. The box wasn’t full of comics so I would assume a full box would bill out at closer to $26 which would still be quite a bit more than the competition.

Box #2 was a stack of Spawn trades I expected would get shipped via the USPS testing program Priority Mail but instead came UPS for $13.79. At a retail of $138.91 the new rate would end up being $4.17 April 10. As it was it came in for about double what I was expecting in USPS charge when placing the order.

Box #3 was 2 Power Ranger figures that billed at $14.03. Under the new rate April 10 the #110 retail should have ended up costing $3.30. It’s still a little better than I was expecting.

Overall for the week Diamond wants $43.05 in freight
Lunar want’s $12.33
Penguin shipped the most stuff and was free.

It looks like Diamonds new rates when they begin will be great for smaller orders but not so great if you’re getting boxes filled with comics. Overall, still not as good as the other two companies.