Odds and Ends

At least the $1500 would be going to one of the most genuine, sincere, ethical, moral & giving individuals in the hobby - Barucci; I’d be more than willing to hand over $1500 dollars to him.
Even more than $1500.

But that’s only after I gave $5K to Liefeld for one of his artistic renditions


For $1500 I can pick out my own OA and get a published cover.


$1500 I could invest myself and turn into 10k or more probably before the damn thing even ships my way…

Never order anything from Dynamic Forces… EVER!!!


Original art from a 90’s no name Marvel comic…i betcha


I bought an item from DF about 20 years ago that arrived damaged. I called, gave them the info and they said they were going to send another to me…Still waiting. They never had any notion of sending a replacement. I haven’t ordered anything since and won’t buy anything from them in the future.


Somewhat related: Alex Ross is doing a mystery box of his work. This is a bit more predictable and cost-effective. $200, and it includes a signed 9.8 book.

The downside is this is a monthly subscription. I’d consider buying one of these to just have an Alex Ross 9.8 signed, but I don’t need one every month.


Was it a signed book or something they should be able to ship quickly?


I’d be in on that dynamic forces box. Only problem is they charge you and never send it. I think they are just looking for a long term interest free loan.


The only other problem I have is they claim the art they pick out is worth $500… but that’s very subjective to me. What one might spend $500 on another might not be so inclined to spend that much on.


Talk about being butt-hurt…


You know they have those tiny little catfish “Candiru” that like to swim up the other lower access point on guys as well. Amazon is not a happy place for having openings in the water.

I know lots of folks here don’t do Twitter/X so you may have missed that Ed Piskor is trending, and not for anything good. To make a long story short, a woman went public about him seeming to attempt to, “Groom,” her when she was 17 with some icky DM’s as proof. Now it is becoming disclosed there are other women of various ages and it is a huge mess. I imagine there will be articles about all this tomorrow as the comic news sites piece everything together.


Never really liked his work. My wife was a fan of the covers for Red Room series.

It’s really sad how every few years, we learn about some creator who uses their notoriety in this way. It’s also sad seeing how gleeful others are that a guy they don’t like has allegedly done gross things. Most don’t appear to care about the women at all, they’re just reveling in schadenfreude and trying to drum up attention for themselves.

Piskor has always struck me as a nerd who is trying way, WAY too hard to be something other than he is (yeah, I know… kayfabe), with his co-host Jim Rugg seeming far more down to earth. I am wondering what’s going to become of their channel, as it does have some legitimately great interviews and reviews. In fact, I was watching one of their Brian Bolland talks this weekend, prior to hearing about this.

Again, really sad all around, and in 2024 people need to realize that being a perv on your phone is not going to remain private.


I wrote somewhere in this forum; probably a few years ago - how I went to Piskor for autographs and I seriously never had a worse experience at a convention than with him. I think it was at Baltimore Comic Con.

It was a variety of strange and uncomfortable exchanges with him that I’m not even sure how to explain.
I just remember saying to myself “never again” to approach his table as I don’t need that level of uncomfortable at a Con. And here we are a few years later.


Anyone watch the Good Doctor? They’re filming an episode right now where I’m at. The star Freddie Highmore (also Bates Motel) is standing in front of me. Was hoping it was Deadpool to catch Taylor Swift but no dice.


Btw Freddy Highmore seems like a good dude. The crew was rushing the actors to their spots and some guy in the crowd snooped in to shake Freddy’s hand. Freddy was all smiles and shook his hand.

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Very cool! Bates Motel was an absolutely fantastic series. Really enjoyed that show. His acting…and the actress who played his “mother” were just so darn good.

Highly recommend if you’ve never seen it.