Odds and Ends

Yup, in this situation, guilty people take the easy way out… This is not a case where I’m going to really feel sorry for the guy.

If you ask me, he took the coward way out instead of facing the consequences of his own actions, which were pretty creepy from what I’ve read.

He never had sex with her, sent her text messages

I only wanted to know when my own kids were of age. I can’t sex chat people while being chained and limited to the internet from your basement… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like there’s more to be uncovered potentially… but for some, any jail time is scary so he took the easy way out. All it took was solicitation of a minor… even if no actual acts were carried out physically.

I am not sure what he did was solicitation. He said she could crash at his place, unless there were more texts where he said something otherwise.

@agentpoyo Just to be clear. Anytime I have said you could crash at my house was simply an offer for you to crash at my place, no expectations of the old hanky panky, just wanted to be clear in case my text messages to you become public. Lol.

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I don’t know. Anyone who says they’re innocent but decide to take their own life seems odd. There’s some other demons at play here I think and a lot hasn’t surfaced. Now we’ll likely never know the full truth or story because he felt the need to take himself out of the equation.

Nobody kills themselves over texts that state, come crash at my place… no sane person at least.

He also has more and more ladies come out and accuse him of inappropriate texts and such. So I’m sure it goes beyond what we all know from public statements.

I only expect hanky panky when we goto NYCC in those fancy hotels together… :rofl:

Oh crap, I thought that was a private message… Now the world knows…

Thats the assumption his was guilty and that there is more out there. I don’t know the full story, I like to take the “innocent until PROVEN guilty” stance. There is certainly the appearance that he took his life because of it, but seeing your name dragged through the mud, having reporters show up at your house, having your gallery showing canceled because of allegations, throw in some depression, and you got the recipe for suicide. The thing about suicide is those who are finally committed to the going through the act, have a sense of clarity and relief they did not have before they committed to doing it. You can see this clarity in his letter.

and now the allegations begin. Lol.

Well, I’m only part way through the note he wrote but there are others coming out with allegations against him so it was likely a buildup of him being inappropriate, etc.

I’m big on the innocent until proven guilty but honestly, innocent people who are the target of investigations don’t usually kill themselves so that’s all I need to know, knowing that there was a whole lot more going on than we truly know.

Sure his career was likely over but there’s so much more for life to offer, even if you survive a scandal, etc.

Look at how many comics have sold today on eBay just by the simple search “Ed Piskor”

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Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right, morally or otherwise. Congress is allowed to insider trade and they make the laws and have advanced knowledge of things to come. Just because they can doesn’t mean they should.

There is a creepy IT tech that works for a company contracted with a former employer of mine. He bragged to me about how in NV the legal age of consent is/was 16 and he was like 30 something when he got with his now wife. I don’t doubt he loves her or his son, but it was creepy the way he bragged about it, smirked, etc.

I never said it was right, I said it was creepy. I haven’t read the texts so I am not jumping to judgement. Guy died. I feel bad. Just not joining the online lynch mob mentality.

Never said you said it was right.

I found it weird and suspicious a site founded on gossip, Bleeding Cool, didn’t touch the Ed Piskor drama of the past week. And so far, now that Piskor is gone, they haven’t written about his death. That is WILD to me. Anyone know what Rich’s deal is with this?


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I think it’s a pretty raw topic for folks. From just about any angle/opinion, etc…it’s the sort of thing that folks just don’t want to see articles/varying takes on etc.

At least what I’m thinking and sort of how I feel about the subject matter. Folks will process it in the way they feel is best. Folks that follow him/have a vested interest know about it…spreading the news (essentially for clicks or views) feels sort of crappy to many.