Odds and Ends

I ran 8 miles during the eclipse.
It was actually quite an “interesting” run. Light, dark, light.

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In the old days, like the 1950’s, you would have been burned as a witch for being able to outrun the beast that eats the sun.


We had 99% coverage. It got a little less bright like it were dusk and some streetlights came on. Not as cool as when we had totality in 2017 here but still was pretty neat.

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Nope, if you don’t get 100% coverage, most won’t even tell there’s an eclipse going on. Just goes to show how powerful the Sun rays are. Even during the ring of fire eclipse last year that came through central Texas, it only gave this slight hue and haze feel, like something was going on but most who are not paying attention likely didn’t even know it was going on.

Unfortunately it was cloudy as heck here but I managed to get a glimpse of the sliver right before total darkness and lasted around 2 minutes where I was at. Guess I’ll be waiting until 2046 for the next good one to hopefully see it without clouds.

I saw a lot of people complaining about cloud coverage ruining the eclipse for them.

It did kind of ruin it. Now I gotta make sure I live another 20 years to make the next one… haha

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I was talking to my son’s while we were watching it. I will be almost 70 next time it happens. That seems like a long way away. Crazy.

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It is a long time… life’s too short… make the most of every day!

I’m already thinking of making a trip to Iceland (maybe Greenland) when it shows up there in 2026. A place I’ve wanted to visit anyway so if it’s a bust then I still got a trip out of it.

It also can be see in Spain/portugal too.

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Yeah… that’s only other option is to travel elsewhere. I’m down to Iceland… that’s on the list of places to visit for me too.

you can get roundtrip tix for nyc to iceland for like 400 bucks

The wife and I are planning to go to Iceland in August 2026 to see the eclipse :grinning:

We went to Iceland in 2017 and loved it !!


I always read Iceland is actually really nice and Greenland is like a frozen hellscape. False advertising in the names…

Word getting around that eBay is very close to buying Goldin Auctions. News of the acquisition could be imminent.

Never heard of Goldin Auctions. What does this mean
If it goes through. Less competition for them?

Looking at their site…they got some big books.

No 9.9 keys though… :wink:


I know of Goldin from that Netflix documentary/show about them. It was essentially a glorified ad for the company in T.V. show form, but I was still quite entertained.

Goldin is pretty huge, focuses mainly on high end sports memorabilia. We could be seeing eBay trying acquire other auction houses in the future.

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I enjoyed the documentary on them. It was cool.