Odds and Ends

Of course it is. Never been in doubt. The real questions are “when” and “by who?”

I saw this on my shops Comichub FOC.
I’ll buy this/order this but I wonder if this is a mistake? I don’t see this listed as a Hardcover elsewhere. The preorder on Amazon is the same price/item but softcover.

I don’t have a means of “digging deeper”.

Anyone that has the actual ordering systems have a way to check?
Thanks a million!

PRH says “paperback”

I think Comichub got the listing from Diamond…

There was a “hardcover” a few years ago…

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Thank you very much @monopolyjackson


youre welcome

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I bet it went something like this:

“Here me out… Marvel is killing us with the Ultimate line. What if we did that too?”

Maybe stop ruining all your existing characters and people will want to read your books.


I’ve done this before but only on white pages. From experience, trying to rub anything yellow pulls off too much ink

I remember years ago them trying this with the Earth One books, which were decent but there were so few and very sporadic releases killed the line

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Sadly, I don’t think Snyder will save DC. I like Snyder but he seems to be past his prime writing days. Most of his stuff doesn’t excite me like it once did.


I feel the same way. But we shall see

Marvel Comics Product
Dear Diamond Customer:

Diamond’s Olive Branch Distribution Center team has completed inspection of the Marvel Comics shipment that was involved in a truck accident on April 12.

While there were some damaged products, we expect to fill most orders with the remaining salable product. These will arrive with shipments of product on sale April 24 .

If a product has been allocated due to damages, this will be indicated on the invoice. We are hopeful that additional copies will arrive soon so that replacements can be shipped in a timely mnner.

Thank you again for your patience. If you have additional questions regarding this information, please contact Diamond’s Retailer Services Department.

Apparently there could be some delays and some allocations for Marvel product from Diamond but I doubt it’ll be anything that justifies spec panic runs. I only saw 2 comics that I have out at Diamond yesterday. Spider-Woman A cover and Ultimate Black Panther #3 A Cover. I don’t know if they were because of the truck wreck or not but I suspect PRH has plenty to restock them if they were.

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SO its the nu new 52?

In stock as expected at PRH.

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Oh yeah.

Olive Branch Distribution Center


So that region may be impacted?

Barely across the Tennessee State line in Mississippi. Diamond ships out of both warehouses so there’s no telling which accounts fill mostly from one and which mostly from the other but I suspect all of them get some from both. There’s really not that much space between the two locations they ship out of as the crow flies. I can’t see any real shortages from the truck wreck. The only two I got in from PRH Diamond didn’t have listed and available, PRH has plenty of.

Sometimes though, the industry as a whole does really stupid stuff like when Darth Vader #1 got allocated for one week and prices went crazy due to unfounded FOMO.

Other times the industry does exactly what you expect like in the case of the Red Bands.
See Werewolf by Night’s Ferocity Unleashed Like Never before in New Red Band Comic Series | Marvel

It sells one time so lets start doing it all the time.


Got a random question here, but I just noticed that TFAW has a “special order” option on some books. Before it was “preorder,” “add to cart,” or”sold out.” I just noticed this new option today. Anybody else see this? What exactly does “special order” mean? Thanks, guys.

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I wanted to give a shoutout to Mattbaseball.com for comic supplies, like bag and boards and gemini holders and comic boxes.

Orders are generally sent the next day and received super fast. great service each time i ordered.