Odds and Ends

Matt’s is the best. Fantastic customer service. And, his mailers are slightly thicker and stronger than Gemini (and cheaper). I’ve used those exclusively for my last several hundred orders.

How are his bags and boards? I tend to prefer BCW bags and boards, but his are significantly cheaper.


The bags and boards are fine for my purposes. these are for my modern books. my older books I use Gerber and their mylites.

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Hmmm… I’m curious to see how this red band stuff goes. Maybe Marvel will start writing more toward adults with these? Fun character, an EM Gist A cover, red band… I’m in.


that hand looks off

jake gomez returns


Gist said he will be doing all the covers for that series too!!!
I’m definitely all in.
I do think there is something a bit off with that cover (the hand). I usually can’t find anything negative about his stuff.

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I really liked Wolverine vs. Predator, so I can’t wait for this.

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I saw this on the road this morning on my way dropping the Wonder Twins off at daycare.


Oh yeah and this one from a few days back.


Has anyone else noticed eBay’s search engine has gone to crap?


What do you mean?

It’s always kinda been crappy…not Mercari crappy, but not great either.

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Nothing is as bad as Amazon IMO

You try to search for X-Men #87 and you get every issue from 1987, or the 80’s in general.


I had no idea she was 5’11”. She’s as tall as me!

She always seemed more like 5’7”/5’8” to me…I guess it’s because she’s always around tall people.

And she is totally appearing in Deadpool.

What would be epic is if she was killed by Deadpool or Wolverine immediately…Swifties would hate the MCU for a long time!!!

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Under advanced select “exact words, exact order”

Then it also helps if you can add the year when dealing with comic titles that get used over and over and over again. It’s at the point now that all comic listings we add the year the 1st comic in the series was published right after the name now if the title has been used more than once.
“X-Men #87” for sale | eBay

Then just switch to “exact words, any order”
“X-Men” “#87” “marvel” “1974” for sale | eBay That wittles the results down to 46.

On the left select “buy it now” to eliminate the auctions.
“X-Men” “#87” “marvel” “1974” for sale | eBay

Then at the top switch to lowest price plus shipping to sort them by price roughly.
“X-Men” “#87” “marvel” “1974” for sale | eBay

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I add the year of I have room…I try to put as much “relevant” meta data in the description with the characters I’m given.

Words like “L@@k” “WOW!!” and “Rare!!! CGC it!” are not meta data…

I copy the wholesale description word for word generally as it appears at the wholesaler.
Add the year after the title but before the issue number so they are easy to sort and appear in order. Issue # with zero’s added for anything over 10 issues even if it means coming back and reediting everything at issue #10 and again at issue #100. After that it’s publisher and year of this issue print which is different from the one used after the title if the series crosses the New Year and keeps going. Then with space permitting however much of the wholesalers variant description goes in placed between the issue # and publisher name. If they get too wordy, the artist name gets dropped.

Here’s an upcoming example,

For later printings I like to convert PRT to spell it out.

HOT!!! never gets used.

“ACTION FIGURE” NEVER gets used even tough action figure var is common but leads to nothing but headaches.

I imagine most of you may know this but just in case. Given the love of Dave Stevens and the recent furor over his stuff…

He did a few pieces of art for this series (3 to be exact). Catwoman, Phantom Lady, and Dolphin.
Amazing work as typical but cool to see his talent in something different.

Anyway, fun, cheap books to add to your Stevens collection of you weren’t aware.