Odds and Ends

What law? Have them give provide proof, if they’re so confident they should know the article by heart.

Tell them to put it in writing and I’ll sign a waiver. Otherwise get the hell out of my way.

That’s the whole point of my story, I called them out cause there isn’t a law and they knew that. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t follow laws so they simply don’t know and this tire shop probably preyed on people (and particularly women since most don’t care about car knowledge) to gain a few more bucks.


I understand that. I would play their stupid game by asking them to educate me on the statutes they are abiding by since they are so smart.

No way for me, I don’t spend any extra time with idiot and scammers… got better things to do with my time. Picking my nose is better time spent…


As long as there’s no @ss picking.
We can’t have that going on :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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50th birthday was spent getting a tattoo at Electric Ladyland in the French Quarter and then Social D and Bad Religion at the Fillmore, I do love my punk rock

Visited Anne Rice’s house (and then across the street to Trent Reznor’s which is now owned by John Goodman.

And no horror fan could not visit a New Orleans Grave Yard. Maybe because it was daytime we didn’t see any vampires.


I’ve lost track of what’s going on with Punisher.

Isn’t this Frank back in the classic skull costume look in the recalled Daredevil 8?

Playing with the scale this morning to see if there’s an easy way to tell which copies are missing pages. BCW boarded and bagged all copies are weighing in at 5.2 ounces so they’re all missing 16 pages or all complete. Not certain which yet since they didn’t number the pages or put titles for the internal stories on the 1st pages of the actual stories.



Rut rwoh!


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They’re gonna need to train that dog well.

Or use CG, but I want a real dog!


Just a quickie… and I know it’s early, but does anyone know if this is still a “transition” year for a different sales amount triggering the issuance of a 1099?

And if so, has the fed proposal of $600 changed? (I know it was transitioned in 2022 and then again in 2023, but it seems 3 years would be pushing it)

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$5000 this year (a transition year).

Unless you live in a state that has their own rules like Maryland.


@D-Rog Thank you. Very helpful

Damn you Maryland!!!

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At least the Orioles are doing good… when did that happen? Geez… I’m so use to the Orioles sucking… Must be the end times or something! :flushed:

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Give it time.

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infinity stone people all coming back