Odds and Ends

It looks like trash

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Y’all are really hating on the trailer and I think it visually looks fine. I found some of the dialogue to be kind of cliché. I thought the visuals were solid, however. You all are spoiled on your $200 million blockbuster movies!


I SO want to love this movie. Trailers rarely capture the movie, so there’s hope.

For example, I thought the trailer for The Phantom Menace was the greatest 2 minutes in television history, and that movie is hot trash. HOT TRASH! :slight_smile:

I think making it a low budget tense horror movie makes more sense at this point than a big budget action movie. I know a lot of people like the guilermo del toro movies and they are great but I also think the animated ones are pretty underrated

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This. The dialogue makes it look more like a fan film than the visuals. It can’t be any worse than the Cs, Ds and Fs that Sony keeps making with live action Spiderverse.


Replace Hellboy with Ash and you have the next Evil Dead flick…I’ll still give this one a shot. There has just been so much “meh” the past few years with just about everything so I will cross my fingers with this one.

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Give me the crooked man from that Conjuring Movie and I’ll be good.

That fella was creepy as well in the movie. NECA made a cool figure of him for their horror line as well.

The story/concept and potential is definitely there with this…I just hope they can pull it off.

Rut Ro.
Neil Gaiman looks to be in a little bit of a pickle at the moment

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Why what happened

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I’m hearing mixed stuff that makes it sound…complicated.

He was already in a consensual relationship with two women but the allegations are that he at times was sexually abusive. I have no idea what exactly happened but that element has made a lot of people argue this is way different than if he were sexually harassing/coming onto people who rejected his advances as opposed to this being problems within a relationship. Assault is assault whether it is a stranger or someone you’re dating who says, “No,” of course, but I’m just telling ya what some of the internet has been saying. I’ve also seen claims that even if he was having, “Rough and degrading sex,” with people if it were consensual it is the same thing as BDSM between two consenting adults. Were thing consensual? Were they not? I don’t know. It is messy and I’m not going to draw any conclusions yet as this seems a bit more foggy than what happened with Warren Ellis where it was 60-ish people he had groomed and such. This is just messy.


My wonder is if it isn’t considered substantial enough in regards to evidence will people ignore this?

If there are, “Receipts,” so to speak will that end Gaiman’s career as we know it?

How does this impact season 2 of, “Sandman,” as well?

Again, this is all very early on so I’m not drawing ANY conclusions.

I just found this out, but it looks like Stephen Platt is getting back into comics. I see he has a lot of upcoming covers for both DC and Marvel. Maybe he has been back for awhile and I missed it.


I like platt

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Platt did a wildly fun arc on Moon Knight long ago. He’s an interesting artist.

Platt starting attending cons again in earnest last year, so this will give him new stuff to sell/sign.

Always liked Platt’s stuff

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Would have been awesome if they made him Bodysuit Man…


I am in the Cleveland area this week.