Odds and Ends

That’s not something you hear often


Oh no! For how long?!

There’s about 27 more “and again’s” after the these 2 “and again’s” :wink:

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Probably until Across the Spiderverse Part 2 comes out.

Anybody else feel like the market has taken a drastic turn in the last two weeks? Yikes. I went from a record January to basically nothing in February. I noticed less Mark Spears sales overall on EBay as well. Think we’ll see another $20 book day or release anytime soon?


100%. Feb has been slow…

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Ditto - my January was fabulous.
My Feb, so far, has been a dud of duds

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Honestly October - January have been great. February not so much.

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My January was good till the midpoint then wretched and my February started slow then began popping off a decent amount, actually.

I love Lithgow but I still don’t get why we need to revisit a series that had movies coming out less than a decade ago. I don’t get this trend of remaking stuff that barely has cooled after popping fresh out of the idea oven. Why not tell other stories set in that Universe of magic? Didn’t they do that a little bit with Fantastic Beasts or such? I don’t follow fantasy a ton and only read a chunk of the books before I got bored and tapped-out back in the day, so I’m by no means an expert. I saw the first movie though, it was decent.

first movie is like 24 years old, came out in 2001, merch sales is the reason, gotta keep the money train rolling

Well, now I just feel old hearing the 2000s are like ancient history for some folks.

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Same here.

I have a bunch of books still to list…which I could likely sell quickly but not as n any hurry.

I did well flipping dollar books, underground comics and some slabs I no longer wanted in January. Ended up with decent profits versus little invested.


I have books I need to pull out and list as well. Some time sensitive ones I want to get sold before hype dies down. And always looking for the next $20 book out the gate.

I have made an absolute killing on those MUSE daredevil books.
Usually, a pretty small window with that sort of book/character spec, but I just keep selling and selling them. Not to mention, I think there is a couple more opportunities to hype them more. Could be one more final trailer or short teaser…and the first sight of him in the series as well. I can’t imagine him making it through the series so I’ll move them all but one set most likely.
I love the books and the character and will hold back one very nice set just for my own collection (probably shouldn’t even do that).

I’ve also been undercutting like crazy as I didn’t pay over cover for a single copy of any of them. Sets of #11 and #14 are selling for silly amounts. Zero issue taking whatever I can get when I’m making that sort of return and getting them out the door.

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Remember when DSTLRY’s big claim was they would never reprint books? You had one chance to get them?

Despite their A list creator list, nice quality and good content, I STILL can’t get over the prestige format or the $9/issue price. I’m honestly surprised they’re still in business. Again, I really like these books, but I only buy them in dollar bins or at 75% off sales.

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and they switched to Diamond from Lunar… it’s almost like they wanted to fail

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