Odds and Ends

I can’t stand youtube thumbnail faces, the wide ass open mouth like they’re eating giant dicks. Ugh and not just comics I see it for pretty much anything now


I can’t stand the comic Tom thumbnails. Plus they just read off the KCC lists they publish…I don’t need a video that reads a list back to me.

But I will avoid most videos with annoying thumbnails.


his thumbnails can get pretty weird

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I tend to get used to anyone who I feel is annoying over time.
ComicTom might be the one individual who was annoying to me initially, and I never got used to. He has that unique distinction.


It’s impossible to like ComicTom. There’s a video out there of ComicTom selling books on ebay that people sent in for his comic karma mystery boxes. People were donating some very expensive books that were meant for other people in the community. Instead of putting in his overpriced mystery boxes, they were off to ebay.

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@SpicyWasabi can you share that one

didnt he also ask for donations after someone broke his store glass door even tho he had insurance


Yeah I’ll try to dig it out, not home at the moment. It was posted in the cgc forums in the c2e2 drama thread.

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it was Russ from Mill Geek comics

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Found it!

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nope it was him

100% grade A douche


Wow. That was incredible.


Damn! that is just bad

Jorge Molina is not happy with it, either.


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This won’t end well.

Wow, seeing the original and seeing what DC changed it to…


I love tamales!


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Bag O tamales for the win!