Odds and Ends

Saw someone selling a, “Werewolf by Night,” 32 for 2k. The listing header brags how it is mint. The description then says it is mint besides missing its cover. The pictures indeed show it is coverless. How are people this dense?

Update: I can’t help myself so I messaged them in a polite manner how it would be considered .5 at best. Let’s see what they say.

Another update: They were actually nice back to me. Said they just wanted to let folks know the condition of the pages were good and they’d change the wording a bit lest they get a headache from a possible angry buyer. The price is still insane, but that’s their choice and I won’t argue that. Still, it was nice my suggestions were appreciated.


Mint, or not to be Mint. That is the question.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


this guy is in midnight suns 2, anyone know who he is?


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ty, never heard of him

Gotta be hard to fight with a helmet like that…how does he turn his head?

Is anyone familiar with the Batman and Robin Adventures Sub-Zero 1 PROMO. I found these buried in a long box.

How random, I’ve never heard of it.

Is that for CGC? :slight_smile:

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i dont know anything about these books, and there are limited comps.


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the meme that just dont quit…

I’m actually really looking forward to that movie!


Yes it looks great.

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Was he fired or did he jump ship?

The article makes it sound like Hamada chose to leave, but knew he wasn’t really welcome under Zaslav.

Zaslav was going over him. Hamada didn’t like that Batgirl was shelved and other projects canceled.

I saw an ad for a new Marvel online card game called “Marvel Snap”. I’ve always liked the varied card games, even in mobile form.

This is actually quite fun. The fellow who designed Blizzard’s Hearthstone (which is amazing) helped with it.

Quick, easy, addictive fun either on your phone or whatever. I like the card art and they’ve incorporated just about every character. What I like is that it isn’t a game stuck behind a pay wall either. Haven’t spend a dime.

I actually liked the prior card game they created called Overpower which generated some great comic book covers…I’m hoping this does the same.

Really fun, easy to pick up game.


I saw an ad for this and was curious about if it was any good. Now you’ve got me wanting to try it!

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