Odds and Ends

Oh boy, The Flash press tour is gonna be interesting…

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Guy needs an intervention.
He is seriously going to end up killing someone or himself.
Hes not right in the head


I just asked him to sign some comics then he threw a chair at me, I thought he would use his super speed to catch it but he’s lost all powers since reversing time and preventing Darksieds arrival😂


Have you met him yet ? He seems to be more active than the volcanos…

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Dump him as Flash, he sucked anyways!


I liked Ezra as Flash, although his costume suuuuucked. It’s troubling to see them get in altercation after altercation and I’m very curious what WB is going to do.


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Methinks some heads gonna splode.

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Hopefully Twitter tanks in the next couple years and he loses half his net-worth with this purchase.


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That wont happen.

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Tanks? Doesn’t matter, he’s taking it private from what I understand. No more stocks, it’s now a private company. He’s got enough money to keep it running for quite some time so no worries about stocks tanking to take it down.

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Social media is starting to be labeled a threat to Democracy. It’s only a matter of time until governments around the world crack down further on social media platforms. 1st amendment won’t cover social media if it’s a threat to the government.

Let’s not turn this into politics please or it will be shut down quickly.


I don’t like Musk. My reasons aren’t political at all, I simply find him unpleasant, full of himself, and just kinda mean. That said, I am curious what exactly he plans to do with Twitter.

I don’t know him at all to have an opinion, but I certainly do enjoy when those that make rules lose their power to do so. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Elon Musk buying twitter for 43 billion when I can go on the app store and get it for free

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Never use it, don’t care. Instagram as well.

I get all my social media needs right here. :wink:


Without Instagram how you will post about your luxurious lifestyle and be a big influencer?