Odds and Ends

The trope of “Oh hey, comics are actually big business” is kind of eye-roll inducing, but… they actually gave the topic way more time than most news outlets would’ve and with a positive disposition. We could use more of that.

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That’s a pretty good news article. I love Heroes shop. He would come to Baltimore every year and I would buy a case of bags and boards from him. Love the boxes the boards come in. Great for mailing comics or storing them.

I’ll watch it as long as you promise it doesn’t have a line like, “Comics aren’t just for kids anymore!” I hate that cliche statement.

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Yeah, you’d better not watch it…


Oh dear.

Someone finally found it! Gratz to them. Worth a million at the minimum as there was a standing bounty for that amount. If it goes to auction, certainly more.
It’s already been graded via PSA. Got a 9.

The price of unopened boxes will nosedive at least. They were at $500 and rising.



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I see that 1:25 is on a top 10 list #1 spot & it isn’t even technically out yet. That’s kind of nuts.

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lots of suspicious books on the list…

#10 which he mentioned 3 days ago on True Firsts…

#2 not even hot

#3 from a shilled account, that we have mentioned before

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Necroko? that’s the hot book?

I think retailers got books early cause of 4th of july

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God how does elon keep making twitter worse and worse with all these decisions, never seen a ceo as incompenent or idiotic.


Dont worry. You have Mewe…

Ive never used mewe or mastodon or whatever weird twitter knockoffs they keep trying that fail lol

I’ve never liked Elon. For a freelance writing gig I did I had to research him and he just seems unpleasant as a person.

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Don’t know him.
Only see what the news, as always, decides to fit people in their box.

The only thing I can say assuredly is that I wish I made the financial decisions ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) he’s made - however we all define “good” ones and “bad” ones. I wouldn’t be looking for the next speculation books, that’s for sure

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Nah why does this look so good tho

it dosent…
