Odds and Ends

Studio behind attack on titan, arguably the most popular anime right now (outside of one piece) writer of re:zero an insanely popular anime series and akira amano who did character designs for the underrated series psycho pass? I dunno seems like fire to me, I’m quick to crap on dc so this looks it’ll be dope

you like Food Wars ?

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yeah food wars is really good, I probably wouldnt watch it around people tho lol

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Now Tweetdeck is only available to verified members in 30 days… wtf

I see Meta is coming out with a Twitter alternative in a few days…

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I have never used tweetdeck and try to stay off social media.

How to lose 40 billion in 80 days.

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This best sums up my thoughts on social media platforms…



You do know forums are a type of social media…

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Yes they are in a way. But we don’t use spyware or sell your info.

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It’s true. @Anthony gets annoyed how I keep sending him all my private info. He says he doesn’t need to know what I ate for lunch or what shows I’m watching. He just wants the feet pics.


But @davidbitterbaum keep sending me your credit card numbers and expiration dates. :+1:

Well, obviously. I give them to you so you can watch the internet and make sure they don’t get hacked. I keep seeing all those charges but you tell me its normal and you’re on it.

Thought about that…but decided I wasn’t going to point out the irony…

Besides, I think @Anthony meant “other” social media…

This is more anti-social media

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Indeed, I could be spending time with friends/family than typing this post…

Evernote was going to basically double its price for me to keep my yearly subscription, so I wasn’t pleased. I tried some other sites and apps and really dug Notion. I made a blog post today about it. It’s free for what I use it for (I don’t need the fancy features as I mainly just make notes and to-do lists). If anyone else uses Evernote but hates the price hike I’d recommend Notion. I also tried some other sites/apps but didn’t like them as much.

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Comic Tom ogling a Margot Robey lifelike doll. This video is about how realistic it is. The funny thing is they mention that it is made out of “latex and what else is it used for” and mentioned pulling the teeth out and it could be used for other things. The video was supposed to be about how creepy these are but the video ends up being super creepy.


Comic Tom probably has never even seen a real girl or boy naked, whatever he prefers, as of yet in his life… haha!


Basically, the real creeps were the real people in the video…/

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The creeping is coming from inside the house!

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