Odds and Ends

Nope. I posted cause I know u don’t like her

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :alien:

@Gbess Yes… although that’s the only way I’ve ever ordered. Same lady as always. She’s always nice to me and I do my best to make her laugh :joy:

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This is good to hear as I will be placing my next bulk order this week.

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Hey @Alana …just checking to see if you and your family are safe?
I couldn’t remember what island you were on…thinking of you and all those being affected by those fires.


I’ve sent her books before. She’s in Maui. It would seem Shes right on the edge of it. So I’m sure she’s stressing.


Disaster zone and rising death toll in Maui right now. Tourists stranded, flights canceled. Hope Alana is doing well.


Another quick note about the E. Gerber products.
During COVID they started making the backer boards/full backs with only the front side bleached (white). Really made no difference of course but saved them resources/production expenses.

They are back to both sides being white/bleached.


I like the brown on one side boards. Shows you what side not to use.


“the Pūlehu/Kīhei fire is now 80% contained”. So I don’t believe @Alana’s town was hit….just on the fringe.

But Lahaina was wiped off the map.

Hearing reports warning/evacuation sirens were not used in some parts, and people didn’t know to run until the flames were upon them. You have to think with a death toll 80 and rising something went wrong.


Just got a door to door guy ring the bell. Answered and said if you want to drop of literature thanks but I don’t take door to door sales.

He responds, why not?

Ok buddy I tried the nice route.

I hate these guys.


I had a guy stop by yesterday with his lawnmower he’s pushing around the neighborhood asking me if he could mow my yard. I kind of look at him and then look at yard… then back at him and asked him… “Did you actually look at my yard? It’s completely dead… It’s 110 degrees almost every day for the past 2-3 weeks and my lawn is a yellow crisp. What are you expecting to mow?”

I don’t waste precious water on grass… it’s such a waste and I frown upon those who have these pristine green lush yards who are never outside to enjoy them because it’s effing melting outside. Save the water to drink, let the grass die, most of it’s not even native to Central Texas anyways you morons… :roll_eyes:


I don’t understand how people live in constant 110 degree weather all the time. I’m visiting los angeles and it was a boiling 90+ everyday. It’s come down a bit this week at 80 which is bearable. I never saw people outside in the hot weather when it was over 90. You’re basically indoors all day.

As someone who enjoys being in the outdoors a lot and to visit all the cafes and all the streets filled with niche mom and pop shops and restaurants, I’m really starting to enjoy our Canadian weather.


I’m becoming desensitized to it I think now. The other day it felt kind of nice because it dipped down to around 100 degrees around 8pm while outside.

Most of the time outside I’m in the water. One of the rivers stays at a cool 72 degrees despite it being 110 degrees out.

The killer is at night we’re not getting any relief. The lows are around 80-82 most nights.

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I have to turn my pool heater on to get it up to a bearable 82 degrees during even the hottest days of the summer.

Kids end up hanging out in the attached spa which is warmer anyway.

Meanwhile the relatives in Florida can’t even swim in their pool because it gets near 100 degrees, lol.

Crazy summer.

Yeah, I don’t bother with actual pools here. Feels like bath water. Gotta goto the rivers or lakes with natural springs to cool off.

The Gulf was like bath water when we were down in Florida last month

I bought a hot tub 8 years ago and can only use it a few months out of the year. I’m in Las Vegas. It’s either hot, windy, or freezing.

I heard it’s getting so bad in Florida that scientists are racing against time to save the coral reefs. The ocean water is boiling and killing the reefs. Crazy stuff from global warming.