Odds and Ends

I was in South Padre last week, water felt good and it was much cooler than expected. Very refreshing. I have heard Florida’s water is awfully warm right now… For those not aware, if you ever go to the coast in Texas, just avoid all the beaches except South Padre, Galveston all the way down to Corpus Christi it’s just trashy oily water and sand. So gross…

I got a hot tub off the local buy nothing website last fall. It had a leak.

Took a lot of digging through foam, and more than a few bee stings and clearing out mice nests to finally locate the source of the problem. Cracked check valve.

Of course, while cutting out the cracked valve I accidentally hit the ozone hose…then while trying to disconnect a tee from the damaged hose I cracked a coupling it ties into…

What was a moderately simple repair has been a bit more complicated…

So…what was he selling?

I don’t even answer the door.

My doorbell cam actually tells them they are trespassing, and the police are on their way. Some pre-recording that came with it that I like to use.

He said he was here for the “bugs”

You should have let him in. Could have added him to your collection and gave poyo some company.

I hate the door to door guys but that would be too cruel. lol

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Does Poyo talk that much?

I told my wife I’m going to put a sign up that warns solicitors they will have the contents of, “The Poop Bucket,” thrown upon them.

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I live in Las Vegas as well. I usually leave for a few months come summer.

where do you flee to?

Usually to Salem, MA but I’m currently in Anchorage, AK.

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Considerable difference to Las Vegas

Im moving to Iceland when i retire. 32 degrees to 55 all year around. Yea yea yea

I despise intense heat.

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We honestly have it pretty darn good here in Michigan. Four distinct, beautiful seasons. While the winters can be rough we don’t typically get the insane amounts of snow other places too. (Well, the upper peninsula does of course) Our summers, while hot, are reasonable and we have more swimmable, fishable, boatable lakes/rivers then anywhere else. Water remains cool and refreshing.
If you’ve never been to the Great Lakes/Northern Michigan I’d highly recommend it.
We also have some incredible sand dunes/wineries as well.

I’ve met some folks who have never seen any of the Great Lakes and they don’t realize the scope and beauty of them.


I still love Arizona, especially in Oct/Nov/Dec when I’m still wearing t-shirt, shorts and slides/flip flops.

I love the fact that in 2 hours, I can be in Flagstaff for a great fall or snowy day and be back in the warmth 2 hours back. Most places, you can’t find this. AZ is awesome!


Lived in Arizona for a short while…

It is a Litter Box in the center of Hell…

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I have never heard this quote, but I busted out laughing!
Yeaaaa… that’s about as bad as things can get! LOL

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Here is my odds and ends lol.

My son made me an instagram account. I am still learning the way it works and how to post lol. I am posted some old drawings to get post up so we will see how it goes within 2 years from now. So if you wanna follow me on this journey, my instagram is gbess_art_3.

If you have any tips or anything on the world of instagram, you can DM me. This is all to get my art work out there to the world. So yeah…

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I assume the litter box is the desert and the heat is the hell.

Did you travel to Flagstaff, Sedona or a myriad of other places in Arizona that aren’t either of those? Or did you stay in a bucket and never travelled around the state?