Odds and Ends

This is something I find annoying as well. Trying to watch a movie or series at night…don’t want to wake up the kids but I can’t hear a damn word of dialogue.

I’m constantly cranking the sound up to hear what they’re saying…sometimes having to rewind…then Quickly turning it down when the explosions or battles start…


I watch everything with closed captions now. Partly because I’m just getting older/sensorineural hearing loss from my Military days, but also because of this same issue.


interior art for the cull is great

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Yeah man, I can’t watch anything without subtitles anymore. Even if I can hear it clearly, I still prefer to have subtitles. Funny how you get accustomed to things.


I like subtitles too!


While I do view these as a bit of an “extravagance” type purchase, I love that BCW started making them in different colors.

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I don’t typically follow the big auction houses and comic offerings all that much as, if I’m being honest, I can’t afford that stuff and it just makes me feel a bit jealous of those who can. I’m Only human after all! :slight_smile:

Right now though, between the Comic Link and comic connect auctions there are some absolutely incredible books at market.

The recently discovered Bobby Blue collection, along with FanTASt collection has resulted in the availability of books that just aren’t typically seen. In grades that aren’t seen either.

I still don’t quite understand why either of these incredible collections couldn’t be given pedigrees, but I guess there must be a box that wasn’t checked.

Along with those two collection are what appears to be some other big players cashing in some crazy big ticket books. Perhaps to create funds to buy gems found within those 2 collections.

It actually is worth taking a look simply from a comic history perspective.



Whose going ???

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:

Who wants to see a potential train wreck live?

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I look forward to the documentary about it a year or two later.

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I dont keep up with this thread but just thought about this. Hope she’s doing well and her books are safe


The fact she hasnt posted in a long time says something…

She could be busy dealing with a lot of stuff. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

just sayin, its not hard to open a browser on your phone and let us know you’re alive…

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She might have trouble getting a reception and wifi connection.

She’s gone silent before for months when she’s taking a break from buying/selling.

I think @davidbitterbaum creeped her out when he said we were all coming to Hawaii to see her collection.


She goes radio silent a lot. She always says when she takes breaks. Usually it’s not to hit selling limits

The fallen one returns!

Who is that? Is that the Midnight Son or Black Winter?