Odds and Ends

Cosmic Surfer?

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The fallen one

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That was hilarious. Nothing against you Bitterbaum–it was just funny!

I would hope no one is ever creeped out by anyone here. I wouldn’t actually go visit any of you without an invitation. You’d all need to be ready for a lot of noise between my six-year-old and our newest baby too.

What is Alana’s last name ?

Here are the people still missing in Maui:

I don’t see her name on the list. However, the name I have is from a paypal transaction.

I don’t think there is much to worry about with Alana and her safety as well as for her family. I don’t recall her saying she lived in the city that was most affected, but I am not exactly sure where she is on the Island. Outside of that I believe she did say she was going to take a hiatus from CHU while she wasn’t active with the hobby. I’m sure she and her family had and still has their hands full as with everyone in that community. I’m sure she will reach out to CHU when things calm down a bit over there. I do think it is wonderful that so many on here are concerned though. Just shows the good side of human nature.


@rob92807 well said.

Without giving Alana’s full name, I checked and didn’t see her listed.


Glad to hear it. Let’s just hope everything else if OK.

The biggest bullshit fake news/rumor grifter/artist has died…Mikey Sutton

Geekosity will never be the same…lol

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Honestly, I have no idea who that is.



Yeah, kinda curious on this one

Two women suffered gun shot wounds while watching the Whitesox the other night. Damn. crazy.

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Watching them on tv?

No I saw it on the news. I was trying to catch up on Perfect Game Select Fest 13U game that happened today. Top 40 players in the nation faced off east vs west (one of my son’s former team mates is playing) and saw the news. You wouldn’t even know they were shot, the shot came from outside the stadium

Without getting political in the sense no one can agree on a solution, gun violence in this nation personally terrifies me. My wife works at a school and a (different) school in our region had a mass shooting. Shootings happen a lot with robberies in downtown Saint Louis. It worries me if my family will be safe.

I would wager to say (and without being political) this was not a shooting by legal gun owners.

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What in the world is this…


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